Essays on Biology

Environmental Conditions On The Rate Of Photosynthesis

Introduction: Plants are essential for us to live as they provide us with oxygen, but plants also need to make their own food. Plants have chlorophyll in their leaves and the green pigment allows plants to make their own food by a process called photosynthesis (Fernando, 2012). Photosynthesis is needed for plant growth as well....
853 Words 2 Pages

Photosynthesis: Measuring The Effect Of Light Intensity And Carbon Dioxide Concentration On The Leaf Surface Area Of Eruca Sativa

Introduction Photosynthesis is the chemical pathway by which plants use carbon dioxide (CO2), water and light to produce carbohydrates required as nutrients to allow for growth (Tanaka & Makino 2009). With the impeding effects of climate change the balance of agricultural ecosystems is subject to interruption as increases in atmospheric CO2 are ubiquitous (Mladin et...
2369 Words 5 Pages

Biotechnology: Our Biological Understanding Of A Sustainable Future

Biotechnology is the implementation of living organisms or biological processes which is done to accommodate certain purposes. The methods of biotechnology largely rely on the understanding of DNA replication, translation and transcription. For 10 000 years, humans have used these methods to create products, which have now constructed the fundamental change of society, from ‘hunting...
947 Words 2 Pages

Natural Selection: The Evolution Of Sharks

Natural selection is the process in which the organisms in a population that are better suited and adapted to their environment increase in numbers compared to species that have gotten less adapted to their environment over several generations. However, natural selection does come with a consequence, which is that through time, species typically develop characteristics...
1095 Words 2 Pages

Stem Cells: Transplantation, Implications And Justification

Stem cells have been an essential part of the human body due to their remarkable ability to develop into various types of cells during the life and growth of both humans and animals. These cells have the aptitude to serve as an internal repair system to the tissues within our body by dividing throughout the...
1856 Words 4 Pages

The Evolution Of Diseases: Viruses, Bacteria, And Immunity

The immune system is a military, waiting for the perfect time to strike and win their fight against their sworn enemies, viruses and bacteria. This isn’t just a metaphor, this actually happens in real life. Our immune system fights viruses and bacteria in order to keep us healthy and safe. This essay will look into...
1157 Words 3 Pages

Photosynthesis: General Information For Understanding

1- Introduction: Did you hug a tree recently? If not, perhaps you need to offer it some thought. You owe your life, in conjunction with the remainder of the civilization, to plants and alternative light-capturing species. as luck would have it, most life on Earth is feasible because the sun provides nature with a continuing...
2443 Words 5 Pages

The Process Of Photosynthesis In Plants: Personal Response

A crucial biological cycle for everyone is photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide and water gain nutrients to make sugar and oxygen using sunlight in the process of photosynthesis. Lastly, photosynthesis consists of two main light reactions, a process where plants go through light-dependent, and light-independent reactions, both making energy storage molecules. Carbon dioxide and water gain nutrients...
709 Words 2 Pages

Agricultural Application Of Industrial Microbiology

Introduction Applied microbiology is technical self-control that deals with the application of microorganisms and the knowledge about them in biotechnology, food microbiology, agriculture, medicine, and bioremediation. Industrial microbiology is a branch of beneficial microbiology in which microorganisms are used in industrial processes like, in the production of high-value products such as drugs, chemicals, fuels and...
2282 Words 5 Pages
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