Essays on Earth & Nature

Chicago Water Quality

Abstract Water is one of the most essential elements to sustain life. Water does not only connect every single aspect of life, but it is undeniably a fundamental human need. Every person requires at least 5-13 gallons of clean and safe water daily for drinking, sanitation needs, cooking and much more. Regardless of scientific improvements,...
2587 Words 6 Pages

Detrimental Impact Of Forest Fires On The Ecosystem

One of the most devastating pieces of news that I came across recently was that the Amazon forest was on fire. This is more so because the Amazon forest is one of the largest ecosystems in the world. As such, it is an instrumental part of the global climate. In fact, the forest has been...
1499 Words 3 Pages

Civil Wars: Relationship Between Conflicts And Natural Resources

Intro In history, people have fought because of their ethnic differences. However, let’s not generalize and associate ethnic differences with civil wars. I argue that large diversities do not necessarily increase the chances of social conflicts. Over the decades’ many nations have been able to live cohesively with various distinct groups within their communities. It...

Importance And Advances Of Desalination

Planet Earth, a vast, mystical wonderland located inside the Milky Way Galaxy, is not your traditional habitat, housing over eight million species of life forms and innumerable land/sea infrastructure. Our world, as we know it, is advancing in ways we cannot imagine, not only in habitual ways, but in means of technology and science. Today,...
1153 Words 3 Pages

The Prospects Of Sustainable Desert Agriculture To Improve Food Security In Oman: Article Analysis

The Prospects of Sustainable Desert Agriculture to Improve Food Security in Oman by Msafiri Daudi Mbaga entails the different proposals and approaches to further improve Oman’s food security by elaborating domestic food production with the use of alternative technologies through desert agriculture. Such presumptions were formed for the land and water scarcity without the implication...
2022 Words 4 Pages

Ocean Pollution And Its Influence On Marine Life

Pollution has become one of the biggest problems facing all living things on earth. To begin with, is important to know the definition of “pollution”. This term means the manifestation of any unsolicited foreign substance in something. Ocean pollution also known as marine pollution is a situation of great impact in the world, this is...

The Paramount Importance Of Biodiversity Preservation And Sustainability

Societies are highly dependent on habitat and ecosystem wellness and biodiversity. Issues affecting these are typically viewed through the lens of natural science, however, when local, national, and global economies are impacted, biodiversity loss must be viewed and analyzed through the economic lens of social science. “There is a strong interaction between humans and nature:...
691 Words 2 Pages

Sustainable Use of Natural Resources

According to the UN Environment Assembly, “Only through innovation can our generation move our world closer to the vision set out in “The future we want”, the outcome document of the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development which affirms that “poverty eradication, changing unsustainable and promoting sustainable patterns of consumption and production and protecting...
421 Words 1 Page
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