Essays on Education

University Education In Kenya

Education, more so university education, is expected to play an increasingly greater role in socio-economic development by training skilled manpower and producing and disseminating the knowledge required for a knowledge-driven economy. It should enable individuals to develop their capabilities to the highest potential; serve the needs of an adaptive, sustainable and knowledge-based economy and play...
511 Words 1 Page

The Next Generation: Why We Are Overworked

Across the United States, the next generation strives to do well in school, exceed expectations in athletics, have a vocation, and partake in extracurricular activities. Between school work, a job, and attempting to pursue any outside interests, young people have no vacation. There is a lot on students’ plates. Teenagers are no strangers to late...

University Online Classes Solution To Fast Personal Growth

University Online Classes Solution to Fast Personal Growth Keyword: Take My Online Course for Me Education is one of the toughest and longest time taking activity. A person spends his/her 12% of life if the person studies till high school. It may look less but it about 16,380 worth of hours spent. So how can...
1196 Words 3 Pages

E- Learning In Pakistan

E-Learning in Pakistan. Before proceeding towards E-Learning in Pakistan we need to understand what is E-Learning is. So as we know that the concept of E-Commerce is being introduced in the world and has gained much important that every business is transforming themselves in this concept. So Wit the time we got introduced with the...
541 Words 1 Page

Illiteracy: Causes And Problem-solving

According to the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), at least 750 million people worldwide are illiterate (Blackman). Illiteracy, the inability to read and write, is caused by low socioeconomic status, lack of access to education, and inadequate resources and professional development for teachers. To solve illiteracy, developing countries need to provide more...
1176 Words 3 Pages

Distance Education: Benefits For Students

Distance Education When an individual wants to study conveniently and adjust studies in their hectic schedule, distance education is the option. In addition to it, some students want to stay away from the chaos, rush and typical old atmosphere of classroom. Distance education is often self-directed. It means most of your assignments, classwork & interaction...
699 Words 2 Pages

Education Inequality In America

Inequality in the American education system is intertwined with many significant social issues impacting our society. Studying the myriad of educational inequalities and mitigating their impact is critical to improving the world as a whole. Quality education is the key to individual success and a pillar for the possibility of a successful future for a...
1550 Words 3 Pages

College Education As A Key To Future Success

Some people may challenge the view that college education is the key to future success. After all, many people believe that college education is not always necessary to succeed in life. For example, college is not for everyone. Many high school graduates may not be ready for the academic pressure and challenges that lie ahead...
454 Words 1 Page

College Students Under Stress

Is emerging into adulthood really stressful? It is said that college students often run into stress. Between finding out what they want to be in life, preparing for a big test, and working around with their schedule; College is a big step that not everyone is built for. It is a time in life where...
738 Words 2 Pages

Motivations In Higher Education

Introduction Background of study The history of Cambodia has undergone a lot of wars, revolutions, invasions, a well-known genocide and exile over the past half-century (Quackenbush, 2019). In addition, there was a rapid improvement in Cambodian education after the independence from French Colony (Cambodia Cultural Profile). It is also known that Japan used to occupy,...
2208 Words 5 Pages
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