Essays on Emotions & Feelings

Kant’s Humanity Formula of Humanity: Critical Analysis

Introduction Immanuel Kant argued that morality is rationality known as Categorical Imperative. Kant characterized the CI as an objective that we have to constantly observe in spite of any herbal needs or inclinations we may have to the contrary. All precise ethical requirements, in accordance to Kant, are justified by using this principle, which capacity...
1687 Words 4 Pages

Reflection on Respect and Sensitivity: Opinion Essay

As for respect and sensitivity, I first took a look at Cambridge Dictionary for a definition. According to Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of respect includes being polite and caring while the definition of sensitivity consists of someone being understanding and helpful (Cambridge Dictionary, n.d.). I noted that respect and sensitivity are values that do go...
1866 Words 4 Pages

Concept of Humanity in Rabindranath Tagore's Muktadhara: Thematic Review

Introduction Mukta-dhara or The Waterfall (1922) is one of the better-known plays of Rabindranath Tagore. He wrote the play immediately after he had a first-hand account of the impact of modern science, technology and machines on the human temperament from his extensive tour of the scientifically advanced countries of Europe and America in the early...
2194 Words 5 Pages

War, Peace and Terrorism: Critical Analysis

If somebody talks about war and peace now a day, they have to talk about terrorism too. After a lot of terrorism attacks and wars a lot of question are arisen such as is terrorism an act of war or is there a war against terrorism. Another question is why is it so hard for...
1669 Words 4 Pages
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