Essays on History

Pocahontas: What Makes Her Different From Other Princesses

The Walt Disney movie “Pocahontas” is based on a true life story that tells how the English colonists fight Native Americans for land and eventually creating temporary peace between the two races, while showing nonfictional portrayals how colonialism took place. Within “Pocahontas” there are many views that challenge, limit or transform views regarding race, class...
960 Words 2 Pages

Cesar Chavez: Impact On History

Cesar Chavez, born Cesario Estrada Chavez, is responsible for many of the changes seen in the works of farmworkers today. A lot of people believe Chavez’s first strike was in the 1950s when he worked as a community and labor organizer, but he sparked passion well before that. In 1940, Cesar’s father, Librado, had organized...
1876 Words 4 Pages

Civil War: Speech Of Martin Luther King And Its Impact

 Martin Luther King, Jr was the leader of the civil rights movement in the United States. He dedicated his life to the struggle for racial equality of African Americans. In August 28th, 1963, King gave one of his most influencing speeches entitled “I Have A Dream.” The speech was a critical step toward civil rights...
1780 Words 4 Pages

The Fall Of The Roman Empire

The discussion focuses on how economic policies imposed by the government affected the Roman Empire. Notably, the government is often responsible for the flourishment and success of its economy through creating a suitable environment for growth where the individuals will have their rights to property protected, rule of law maintained and also be able to...
1609 Words 4 Pages

Mother Of Civil Rights: Rosa Parks Achievements

Imagine sitting on the end of bus staring out the window. Watching the black and white children, walking five feet apart from each other. Instead of holding hands and playing together, they were all blinded by the hate and judgment. Then suddenly you hear, “get up.” You look up to see the white man telling...
1420 Words 3 Pages

John Brown: Freedom Fighter Or A Terrorist

Lots of people think that Jonh Brown was either a freedom fighter or a terrorist, no in between. To me, Brown seems like a terrorist. Once something went against his beliefs he through these big fits that killed and injured many people. Between the dates 1849 and 1850, two things happened which resulted in putting...
420 Words 1 Page

WWII: An Oral History Reflection My Father

There are numerous ways, shapes, sounds, and types of World War II. Each man who was in the war experienced unexpected things in comparison to other people. Many have recollections that will stay with them everlastingly, while others hinder every one of their musings and recollections of the war far away. For my meeting of...
1186 Words 3 Pages

Rosa Parks Biography

‘I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.’ An activist for black rights and a winner of many awards such as The Presidential Award, Rosa Louise McCauley Parks rose to fame when she hopped on a bus, only...
451 Words 1 Page

Torres Strait Islands 1900-1960

In 1595 a Spanish voyage set off to find their captains belief of a southern land that could be claimed by the great Spanish empire, but this voyage would not make it to this believed land as this journey was racked by a mutinies crew which lead to the accidentally discovery of the Torres strait...
2173 Words 5 Pages

Samurai: Definition, Lifestyle And Weapons

Samurai in Kamakura Shogunate (1192-1333) A samurai in Kamakura shogunate were defenders of agricultural land for the wealthy and would protect them from outsiders that would raid their land. The samurai were a part of a warrior class in japan. A samurai gained powerful presents across their land and country for the next seven hundred...
821 Words 2 Pages
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