Essays on Medicine

Arguments against Euthanasia: Analytical Essay

Introduction In order to understand the controversy involving euthanasia, and the different postures adopted towards it, we should begin with a brief introduction about what this term means and its use. Euthanasia comes from the Greek term Euthanatos (“good death”). According to the World Health Organization, it is a deliberate act undertaken by one person...
841 Words 2 Pages

Case Study of the Home Health Care Patient

Abstract Home health care is a largely used resource for hospital post-discharge patients, older adults, and disabled individuals that are unable to manage their health conditions and medication management without assistance. It is a complex process that requires consistent collaboration between agencies and primary care providers to be successful at managing this patient population. This...

Christian Views on Euthanasia: Analytical Essay

“Do not be excessively wicked and do not be a fool. Why should you die before your time?” (Ecclesiastes 7:17). Death is an important part to Christians all around the world. They believe that all humans should live their longest life instead of taking their life away earlier than they should. Many people hold different...
2273 Words 5 Pages

Diabetes: Types, Care of Patients and Medications

Introduction Out of the most common diseases in the world that affects people of all ages is diabetes. Many factors can contribute to different people suffering from diabetes, some of them include the lifestyles people to adapt, genetic inheritance, and ethnicity among other reasons. It is critical to identify what diabetes is. It is a...
2565 Words 6 Pages

Self-Respect and Morality of Euthanasia: Opinion Essay

This essay argues about the morality in the light of euthanasia of incurably ill patients. I argue for euthanasia by means of amplification that all people consume the right to his or her own body and to demise, that demise is a private matter that have to no longer be forbidden via the national, and...
2497 Words 5 Pages

Hospital Acquired Infection: Transmission And Prevention

Modes of transmission: Direct person to person transmission: (Infected patient, staff members, or visitors) Indirect transmission through (Equipment, hospital producers) Transmission through air Anyone who goes to the hospital and gets their medical treatment has the risk of Nosocomial infection, some people are at higher risk than others, including the following: premature babies and very...
900 Words 2 Pages

Phlebotomy: Study Of A Young Woman Case

Introduction/Background Our client is a 25-year-old woman who came to the clinic after setting off a metal detector on a vacation to California. When the client was being checked she thought she was coming down with something and complained about her joint pain. The 25-year-old woman’s hematocrit levels were normal, ferritin levels were greatly elevated,...
2132 Words 5 Pages

Phlebotomy: Safety Engineered Devices

Phlebotomy includes invasive procedures that allows for the collection of blood for testing or donation. This is done by a needlestick to a vein which may be dangerous in the hands of phlebotomist with improper training. Because safety is a priority of the phlebotomist, we’re seeking ways that we can improve safety for both the...
813 Words 2 Pages

Neonatal Special And Transitional Care

This is a reflective essay of an experience I had while caring for a high dependency baby on the ward. I will use Gibbs (1988) reflective model in writing the essay by describing an episode of care in regards to resuscitation of a baby in the presence of a parent. The reflective model will help...
1924 Words 4 Pages
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