Essays on Medicine

First Aid: Definition And Procedure Of CPR

Introduction and definition: It is very essential to be aware of rules of first aids as they are the chief succor or help that can be done at place of accident to injured person. They are usually done prior to ambulance access. They must be applied rapidly and judiciously [1]. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is one...
951 Words 2 Pages

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Definition And Steps

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is used to restore blood flow to the brain immediately following a cardiac event. When CPR is performed correctly within 2 minutes following a cardiac event, chances of survival double. Definition of Terms: Clavicle- collar bones; located below the shoulders on the front side of the body Manubrium- upper part...
647 Words 1 Page

Gerontology: The Concept Of Aging

Ageing is a natural phenomenon; it refers to a multidimensional procedure of physical, mental and social changes. One out of each ten peoples on the planet is presently 60 + years. The population of elderly (especially very old) is incrassating quickly all through the developed and developing world. The Indian culture has encountered broad changes...
1090 Words 2 Pages

First Aid: Steps To Do

An emergency is an immediate response giving to a severely injured or ill person. This involves a lot of decision making and the best time to make such decisions and when to act. the following includes the steps that one should take in an emergency: Recognize the Emergency: first, check the safety of the victim...
484 Words 1 Page

Technology And Fall Prevention In Older Adults

Singapore is one of the countries that have a rapidly aging population in the world, and it is estimated that one in four Singaporean will be aged 65 and above in 2030 (Department of Statistics Singapore, 2019). The increasing aging population also brings along lots of issues and concerns. Fall is one of the issues...
1587 Words 3 Pages

Euthanasia: The Right To Die Should Be A Personal Choice

“The right to die should be a personal choice”. Every single person has a freedom to choose the things one wanted. The choice that one made may change himself or the people around him. Of all things, making decision is the most difficult to do. One should weigh the consequences and the things that possibly...
1118 Words 2 Pages

Organ Donations Should Be Mandatory

Organ donation is a pure act of kindness. However, it is often debated about whether it should be mandatory or not. Donating your organ is a social cause which is all together a decision of the person who is willing to donate his or her organ. Saving lives is the noblest thing a person can...
1910 Words 4 Pages

Vaccination: Refuting The Claims Of Anti-vaxxers

Abstract Since the beginning of time, illness has followed the humankind. We, as humans, studied illnesses so well to finally be able to cure or even prevent them through different means of medicine. Although some believed in natural remedies, vaccines, specifically, have helped forestall, and even eliminate, major diseases. In the past few years, anti-vaxxers...
1396 Words 3 Pages
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