Essays on Philosophical Concept

Human Nature Vs. Animal Nature: What Distinguishes A Human

Introduction I will be arguing that the statement; “there is something special about human nature in comparison to other animals” is partially true. Despite humans and other species having similar genetics and similar traits, the human brain seems to be the most developed and the most complex in comparison to other species. I will begin...
1621 Words 4 Pages

The Notions Of Self And Identity In Early Modern Philosophy

Descartes conceived the anatomy of the human body as a ‘mechanical structure’, maintaining a dynamic equilibrium between itself and its environment in order to function. Animal and plant bodies, as well as their behaviours, were thought of mechanistically. In his early writings, Descartes accounts for the interaction between the soul and the body in terms...
2926 Words 6 Pages

The Mind-body Dualism And Human Experiences

What is this, that I am experiencing right now as I type this? And what was it that I was experiencing the other night, when I could barely sleep, kept awake by my thoughts racing? What is it that is giving me these words that I am using right now? I know that we have...
1791 Words 4 Pages

Plato's And John Ayer's Theories Of Truth: A Comparative Analysis

Plato is an ancient Greek philosopher who is commonly known for the reasoning that he employs in giving out his arguments. Among the famous works of Plato comprises of “Allegory of the Cave” it is in this theory that he presents truth as something deeper than an experience created by our senses(Cohen, 2000) . Plato’s...
600 Words 1 Page

Machiavelli’s Views On Human Nature

One of Nicolo Machiavelli’s most famous books The Prince unfolds the designs of powerful state which he believed was necessary for stability and freedom. He discusses that people are generally self-interested but their affections for other people can be won or lost. They can be trust-worthy sometimes but they can also be selfish and deceitful....

The Correspondence Theory Of Truth

The Correspondence Theory of Truth is probably the most commonplace and widespread way of information the character of reality and falsehood. Put quite actually, the Correspondence Theory argues that “fact” is whatever corresponds to reality. A concept which corresponds with truth is authentic even as a concept which does no longer correspond with fact is...
466 Words 1 Page

Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search For Meaning: Critical Analysis

Before reading Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning, many of us may have already pondered the question of what the meaning of life essentially is. While reading Frankl’s piece, some of us may have come up with additional questions of our own, disagreeing with Frankl’s view; others, may agree with him and feel a sense...
1705 Words 4 Pages

Search For Meaning: Life And Death

Life after Death – Life after death has a different meaning to different worldviews. Some imagine death to be a place where we repent for all our sins and either live with Him or in purgatory for all of eternity. Others have denied this concept, believing death to be part of a cycle of reincarnation....
858 Words 2 Pages

Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality: Case Study

Introduction Virtual reality (VR) is an interactive computer-generated experience taking place within a simulated environment. The simulated environment and everything it contains is created by a designer. This environment is similar to the real world. Augmented reality systems are considered a form of VR that layers virtual imagery over a live camera feed into a...
1190 Words 3 Pages
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