Essays on Political Systems

Purpose And Importance Of Nationalism

Introduction Nationalism is a political, social, and financial belief system and development described by the advancement of the interests of a specific country, particularly with the point of picking up and keeping up the country’s power over its country. Nationalism holds that every country ought to administer itself, free from outside obstruction (self-assurance), that a...
779 Words 2 Pages

The Three Classical Ideologies: Conservatism, Liberalism, And Socialism

Conservatism Traditional conservatism is an ideology based on the idea to maintain traditional, social and cultural principles. The government’s role in a conservative society is mainly to both preserve and mediate the importance of traditions, traditional values, and often religion. The reason for this is to protect the people from themselves. According to conservatives, humans...
1129 Words 2 Pages

What Led To Communism And How It Affected The Governed

The spread of communism was mostly thanks to an influential writer, Karl Marx, who helped propel the idea into reality. To clarify, Karl Marx wrote the “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” and was an extensive supporter for it. However, the manifesto had hardly any impact, yet the idea spread until almost half the world lived...
1163 Words 3 Pages

Marxism As A Part Of The Victimised Actor Perspective

Marxism is based upon the works of philosopher Karl Marx (1818-43), he didn’t actually write extensively about crime but his ideas of inequalities of a capitalist system have been applied by criminologists to explain crime and societies responses to it. The reason Marxism is part of the Victimised Actor perspective is that crime is the...
1022 Words 2 Pages

Islam Versus United States: Anti-Americanism

The United States’ engagement with Islam is rather different from that of Europe, more specifically that of Britain and France. Unlike the United States, Britain and France actually had colonized parts of the East / the Islamic world. The U.S. however had more of a broken relationship with the East rather than direct contact. Since...
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Americanism And Civil Rights Act Of 1871 Or Ku Klux Act

One could think that the Ku Klux Act did not generally define ‘Americanism’ as a whole. However, it is quite evident that this act, unfortunately, did represent a bigger part of Americanism, which has, from the earlier four hundred years been responsible for the oppression of the non-white people, and also keeps these individuals in...
593 Words 1 Page

Traditional, One Nation Conservatism Versus New Right Conservatism

This essay will be discussing Traditional, One Nation Conservatism and New Right Conservatism to be able to answer the question “to what extent can the new right be seen to have departed from traditional conservative values?” It will cover the start of One Nation by Benjamin Disraeli, and Thatcher’s revolutionary contributions to the New Right....
1870 Words 4 Pages

War On Terror: A Campaign To Counter Anti-Americanism

The war on terror is an international military campaign launched by the US govt after the 9/11 attacks. The main targets were Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen by the military. The intelligence department involved institutional reorganization and increased funding. The diplomatic department continued efforts to maintain a coalition of partner states and a campaign to counter...
594 Words 1 Page

Zionism: A Nationalist Movement Started By Jews

Zionism is a nationalist movement started by Jews with an aim to restore their right of living in a land recommended to their ancestors. Zionist nationalist movement resembled with numerous other European nationalist movements yet it sought to give Jews from throughout the world a territory to live. The idea of Zionist nationalism appeared back...
2063 Words 5 Pages

Socialism As A Critique On Conservatism

Socialism is a critique of the French Revolution and by extension Conservatism. Whereas conservatism supports individual agency, socialism completely refutes it. Conservatism is made of four key claims which support the rampant capitalism after the French Revolution. Edmund Burke argues that government is a practical science in which exists a natural aristocracy. Joseph de Maistre...
1488 Words 3 Pages
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