Essays on Politics

International Relations: Scenarios Of International Politics Of The United Nation And European Union

This paper seeks to critically examine the three scenarios of international politics that were allotted to various actor in the United Nation’s and European Union’s meetings from the lens of an international relations student. The first scenario allotted was the PRC declaring its invasion over Taiwan if its expansion over the South China Sea fails...
1811 Words 4 Pages

Separation Of Powers: The Democratic Legitimacy Of The Judiciary

The extent to which democratic values have been upheld within the Western—more specifically Australian—judiciary has been a topic of consequential discourse. In answering the question of democratic legitimacy within the Australian judiciary, this paper will argue that the judiciary is ultimately a fundamental vehicle in upholding democratic values, where its absence denotes a critical opportunity...
1166 Words 3 Pages

Critical Evaluation Of The Types Of Counter-Terrorist Policies Employed In Northern Ireland In The Period Of The ‘Troubles’

A critical evaluation of the types of counter-terrorism policies employed in Northern Ireland in the period of the ‘Troubles’ (1970-98). Various counter-terrorist policies were employed in Northern Ireland in the period of the ‘Troubles’ to combat activity of the IRA (Irish Republican Army) and due to a split in December 1969 (McCleery, 2012, p.412), its...

Separation Of Powers: The Constitution Of 1789 And The Founding Fathers

Whilst structuring the Constitution in 1789, the Founding Fathers were fervent in emphasising the subordination of the executive branch of the new republic to the representation of the people – Congress. This was illustrated through the Separation of Powers – a school of thought introduced by French philosopher Montesquieu to preclude a tyrannical government. The...
1957 Words 4 Pages

The Republic Of India And The Commonwealth Of Australia: A Comparison And Contrast Of Two Major Democratic Asian Countries

A comparison and contrast of two major democratic Asian countries The Republic of India is a constitutional republic. The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation, a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. The head of state is the current monarch[footnoteRef:2] and their power is controlled by the constitution. Australia’s democracy is effective in terms of...
1889 Words 4 Pages

Reasons Why Western International Relations Theory Is Not Applicable To The Chinese Context

There are several reasons why Western International relations theory are not applicable to the Chinese context. Historically China did not own theory of its own (not in the traditional western sense) and this has created difficulty in explaining China using those same traditional theories like liberalism, idealism or first wave Constructivism. Mao Zedong’s personal ideology...
2824 Words 6 Pages

Panama Canal: Troubled And Problematic Relations Between Panama And The United States

With a troubled and problematic past, Panama and the United States did not end their feud after the finalized construction of the Panama Canal. The sovereignty of the United States over the middle of Panama’s territory and the canal caused numerous social, economic, and political problems between both countries. Panama was socially and racially segregated...

Utilization Of Power In Australia: Separation Of Powers

To understand who has power and how that power is utilized in Australia first one must look to the Australian constitution which contains the doctrine of separation of powers which dates to ancient Greece and Rome. The separation of powers is divided into three distinct branches each of which holds separate and independent powers which...
416 Words 1 Page
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