Essays on Authors

Annie Dillard: The Impact Of Total Eclipse

The essay, Total eclipse by Annie Dillard, is a creative literature work that has created an impact and great influence through generations and which continues to inspire and entertain literature lovers even today. Dillard wrote about the experience after two years of seeing the eclipse. On Feb 26, 1979, on Monday, around 8:15 am at...
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Muckraker Upton Sinclair: Social Justice And The Jungle

Merriam-Webster defines muckrake as: “to search out and publicly expose real or apparent misconduct of a prominent individual business,” an example of a muckraker would be Upton Sinclair. Upton Beall Sinclair was a “prolific” American novelist that exposed the meat-packing industry through his work, The Jungle, and was an advocate for worker’s rights. Sinclair’s influence...
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Theme Of Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible

In Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible, an epic about a family’s tragic undoing and their subsequent rebuilding in postcolonial Africa, Kingsolver explores the theme of an inevitable power struggle between preservation native religion and the spread of Christianity. Through the voice of Ruth May, the youngest girl in the Price family, Kingsolver depicts an encounter...

Lolita: The Theme Of Desire

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov is a haunting story about a young girl named Dolores Haze, who is seduced and coerced into a sexual relationship by a man who uses the pseudonym Humbert Humbert. Humbert develops a fascination with Dolores and eventually marries her mother so he can stay close to her. This obsession makes him...

Anne Bradstreet: Female Poet In Puritan Society

Anne Dudley Bradstreet is regarded as one of the most influential poets to have ever lived. She is born in England and has a unique life compared to the other girls of her time. Specifically, she has the opportunity to receive private lessons from tutors, as well as other educational opportunities uncommon for girls during...
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The Message Of David Foster Wallace In This Is Water

Most people go about their day unconsciously, just trying to get by and start the next and they become frustrated so easily due to others around them causing some sort of delay in their daily tasks. David Foster Wallace gave a speech to college graduates in 2005 titled “This Is Water”. Many say that it’s...
614 Words 1 Page

William Blake: Religion In Poems

When William Blake was young he expressed how he envisioned angels up in the tree and would communicate with them daily; this is where his imagination sparked and where he realized that he wanted to portray his viewings. After Blake’s brother passed away he stated that he had seen his soul leave his body and...
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Comparison Of Hardy And Wharton Style

Thomas Hardy and Edith Wharton have many similarities in their style of writing. Wharton is comparatively more of a modern writer than Hardy, however she admired Hardy and her writing style is influenced by his literary writings. The two given extracts are from classic realist novels. In such novels, the writer appeals to the reader...
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How Do Orwell And Burgess Portray The Effects Of Societal Control In Their Novels 1984 And A Clockwork Orange?

According to Hayri Dundar, one can identify a dystopia as a society being controlled by an ideological radicalism where the rulers build the society on a struggle for utopia[footnoteRef:1]. Anthony Burgess and George Orwell successfully adhere to this summary within their dystopian novels A Clockwork Orange and 1984, respectively. As is the case with most...
2783 Words 6 Pages
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