Essays on Environment Problems

Invasive Species Introduced To Marine Ecosystems

Planet Earth as we know it is constantly evolving, developing and shifting in different ways due to both natural and man-made causes. These paradigm changes in nature can be driven by changes in climate, nitrogen eutrophication, and augmented urbanization as stated by Davis et al. 2017. As a consequence to some of these variations, we...
783 Words 2 Pages

Scientific Debates Concerning The Existence Of Climate Change

Climate change, or to be more accurate, enhanced climate change due to anthropogenic actions is an extremely topical issue that leads to contentious debate within the societies of today. This is the context of all three texts as they were all created in the past three years and they are all opinionated pieces on said...
1859 Words 4 Pages

Storm: Impact Of Climate Change

Climate change is one of the inevitable issues facing globally today. A large population of those people who live in slums and shantytowns where they are most likely to put in danger and have the least of a chance to acclimatize to climate change. Because of that, many people are being affected and even animals...
554 Words 1 Page

Nepal Water Scarcity and Management Report

Stable water usage is what ensures the sustainable development of society, economy and living environment. However, in Nepal, the distribution of water is uneven and insufficient for the population, and the limited sources are often polluted. As one of the world’s poorest country, repairing and developing the water storage and delivery system in Nepal continues...

Water Supply: A Severe Water Crisis In Kenya

In the far side of Africa lies a country that severely lacks a critical ingredient required for their survival. With an overcrowded population of 46 million and growing, the Kenyan water supply isn’t getting any better. Can you believe that 18.8 million Kenyans still rely on unimproved water sources, such as ponds, shallow wells and...
642 Words 1 Page

Climate Change: The Adversative Effects On The Weather Of Melbourne

1.0 Introduction Melbourne is Australia’s second largest city. Its population is expected to increase from 3.7 to 5 million by 2026 and is considered as the fastest growing state capital city. In the current millennium, all the metropolitan cities have emerged as a driving force in various forms of subnational climate governance. Planning strategies for...
2500 Words 5 Pages

Water Scarcity As A Threat To Global Food Security

A lack of water can have a major economic consequence, there are many sectors which rely on water for there operations. Two of these large sectors include the mining industry and the agricultural industry, who both rely heavily on water and have been having trouble in drought. The tourism industry is also set to have...
714 Words 2 Pages
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