Essays on Environmental Protection

Automatic Waste Segregation And Management

Abstract- With the development of smart cities, the idea of keeping the cities clean is the utmost requirement. The amount of garbage produced is too large and the manual efforts put in to process it is very dangerous. With evolution of technology in every field, automated ways can be adopted to prevent the piling of...
2583 Words 6 Pages

Water Conservation: Iot Based Water Monitoring And Alerting System

Abstract: The goal of this project is to implement a product to help the charging system for Indian urban household water consumption. The project involves a water flow sensor to provide an unconcerned solution for calculating and tracking water usage with ATMEGA-328 micro-controller, which generates and transmits SMS at the end of each month. Alternatively,...
2123 Words 5 Pages

Recycling Plastic Waste In India

In a period of thirty years, country name China had stopped recycling plastic waste from all over the country in year 2017. The consequence is to clean the surrounding, environment and improvise the standard of living are chunk of prohibition which give on to turbulence in recycling globe. India is the country, nearly provoke approximate...
624 Words 1 Page

People’s Perception, Attitude In Relation To Animal Welfare And Constraint Of Livestock

Animal farming has gone through considerable changes during last decades. Average farm size has been increased, resulting in farmers spending less time with individual animals and making it more difficult to detect abnormal behaviour and illnesses in livestock (Fraser 2001). On the other hand, farming has become increasingly mechanized, further reducing everyday interactions between farmers...

An Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network For Forest Conservation

Abstract: Climate change is the biggest threat to nature and humanity in the 21st century. Global warming due to excess carbon emissions is one of the major causes of climate change. Though factors like industrial effluents, automobile exhaust contribute a little to this catastrophe the ‘lion’s share’ for global warming is due to deforestation. Governments...
2580 Words 6 Pages

Need For Amendment Of Animal Laws In India

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals”. -Immanuel Kant India has made some commendable efforts towards animal protection including ban on import of animal-tested cosmetics to prohibition on use of dolphins for entertainment. It has also been recognised as the first cruelty free zone in the South East Asia....
2751 Words 6 Pages

Green Building: Singapore As The Greenest City In Asia

Singapore is a small and dense urbanized island nation and yet according to the Green City Index, it is the greenest city in Asia. In the 1980s about 36% of the nation was labelled ‘green’ which includes its flourishing environments, renewable energy and future sustainability. Today, that number stands at 47%. Singapore lacks natural resources...
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