Essays on History of the United States

Motivations And Factors That Led To The U.S. Shift From Isolationism And Continental Expansion To Imperialism: Monroe Doctrine

What were the primary motivations and factors that led to the U.S. shift from isolationism and continental expansion to imperialism by the late 19th and early 20th centuries? In the late 19th, early 20th centuries, the United States had a sudden shift in world affairs, where at first the country promoted isolationism and continental expansion,...
2245 Words 5 Pages

Civil Rights Movement: Jim Crow Laws

The Civil Rights movement is one of the most important acts to change the way not only African Americans were able to live their lives but all races and colors. It would slowly break down the social, economic, political, and racial barriers that were created by the Age of Discovery and the Transatlantic Slave trade....
649 Words 1 Page

Civil Rights Movement: Case Of Australia

“The one word ‘Yes’ on May 27 will open the door for real reform. It will tell the world at large that there is only one Australian, and his colour doesn’t matter at all.” A quote from Faith Bandler, Regarding the 1967 referendum. Indigenous and Torres Strait islander people had begun taking a stand for...
1113 Words 2 Pages

Sacagawea And Her Journey

How would you feel if random people showed up on your property and invited you to go on a 2-year journey with them? That’s what happened to Sacagawea and her husband Toussaint Charbonneau. Sacagawea had a tough childhood but had a short but fulfilling future. Sacagawea was born in 1788 in the Lemhi River Valley...
467 Words 1 Page

Analysing Sherman Alexie’s What Sacagawea Means To Me

My essay is talking about the colonization and how do colonial people think about their country and the consequences of this colonization, also from the colonizer perspective and what are his gains from colonizing new land. I also gave some examples about colonization over different countries and over different periods of time. Colonization is considered...
607 Words 1 Page

Civil Rights Movement: Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X

The civil rights movement was a political movement for social justice that took place during the 1950/60s. The movement mainly worked with providing the black people of the United States with equal civil rights such as the right to vote in elections on an equal footing with whites and to eliminate racist discrimination against black...
613 Words 1 Page

American Journalism And Democracy

Ever since the very beginnings of our nation, journalism has been a keystone in the American way of life. Even before the revolution, newspapers and pamphlets were used to spread news about the war, independence, and happenings across the nation. This model, although mediums for reporting have changed, has remained deeply important to the way...
2693 Words 6 Pages

Revolutionary War Versus Civil War

A civil war is when groups of people from the same country go to war, and a revolutionary war is when two different countries have a conflict between them. Revolutionary wars are within two different countries, in this case, The American Revolutionary War was between America and Britain. Both of the events were wars, but...
407 Words 1 Page

The Gateway Arch: The Representation Of Westward Expansion

This 630-foot monument to one of the founding fathers is a stunning sight. The Gateway Arch is what I’m talking about. The Gateway Arch is an arch in St Louis Missouri, right next to the Missipissi river. The Gateway Arch intrigues visitors through its impressive construction process, its representation of westward expansion, and it’s still...
821 Words 2 Pages
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