Essays on Movies

Analysis Of Classical Hollywood Narrative Style

Explain either ‘The heroes journey’ or the idea of classical narrative, as a template in film comparing one film that fits the template and others that does not When researching into the idea of ‘Classical narrative’ and the mainstream templates that surround the idea I wanted to research into popular classical narrative movies and how...
2633 Words 6 Pages

Impact Of Hollywood Studio System On Marilyn Monroe

As Richard Dyer has observed in Stars, films play a fundamental role in the construction of a star’s image. Such films, fashioned by the studios to associate stars with certain characters or genres, would be identified as ‘star vehicles’ (1998, 61-62). Taking Dyer’s argument as a starting point, discuss the screen persona of one Hollywood...
2687 Words 6 Pages

Run Lola Run: Movie Review

Run Lola Run ([Lola Rennte] (Tykwer 1998)) is described as ‘a German crime film that deals with a range of themes such as fate, love, chance and desire (Goodman, A. 2012)’. The film reflects a complex narrative, acting as one of the pillars for the era that broke out of the normal bounds of storytelling...

Documentary Report: Not Business As Usual

The movie got my attention and interests right from its title “Not Business As Usual”. The title got me wonder how “usual business” is defined in the movie, and how their being un-usual is reflected throughout the scenes. The title was not actually explained specifically in the content of the movie, but to my understanding,...
879 Words 2 Pages

Documentary Critique: Food, Inc.

The documentary Food, Inc. gives its audience not only an unbiased but an informative display of what the industrial food industry truly is. If you were to ask most people if they know how the food they buy is produced they would more than likely say no, which is not okay. Food, Inc. presents the...
874 Words 2 Pages

Documentary Animation As Social Medium

Hidden is an animated documentary about a 12-year-old boy, who describes in an interview how it is to live in hiding. Giancarlo fled from his homeland Peru, where he lived on the streets on his own for one year, and is not permitted to stay in Sweden. In constant fear of deportation, Giancarlo has difficulties...
1291 Words 3 Pages

The Effect Of Documentary On Our Fast-paced Society

Thinking of the world, our society has changed and advanced dramatically over the past few hundreds of years. But how have we managed to change so much? Without documentary, our world would not be recognizable. From the smallest insignificant photos to the largest complex societies, things in our everyday lives document the truth without even...
891 Words 2 Pages

Book Report: Stegomyia, The Story Of My Life

Stegomyia, The Story of My Life, by William K. Adeniyi, follows the author’s life journey, revealing the numerous obstacles he overcame to achieve his dreams. It contains his childhood memories, telling about his family of origin and how life became bearable for him after his father’s demise, then worse after he lost his mother. Adeniyi...

Historical Novel: The Red Badge Of Courage

The main character in the book “The Red Badge of Courage” was a boy named Henry Fleming. Henry was very young and naive. He decided to leave home and join the American Civil War. He joined the Union. When he joined, he met someone named Jim. Jim was very dedicated to the war, and he...
1917 Words 4 Pages
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