Essays on Philosophical Theory

The Controversy Of Ethical Relativism

Ethical relativism has always been a controversial issue in the history of philosophy to this day. It is a theory which there is no definition to know what’s is the right thing and what’s not, this perspective have different moral systems equal, ie, equal or no value. Ethical values are a set of beliefs that...
540 Words 1 Page

The Ideology Of Relativism In Plato's And Hume's Works

“The emerging field known as experimental philosophy has expanded into moral philosophy: by presenting experimental subjects with vignettes describing scenarios with moral implications, data about people’s moral intuitions are gathered and analyzed” (Yan 233-254). There are many types of philosophies, one being relativism which has evolved throughout time. This is the ideology that David Hume...
1258 Words 3 Pages

Individualism: General Notes And Shortcomings

Discussion notes of individualism Individualism is the ideology that the individual life has a place with him and that he has a basic idea to live it as he sees fit, to follow up on his own judgment, to keep and utilize the result of his exertion, and to seek after the estimations based on...
642 Words 1 Page

Existentialism And Its Educational Implications

Introduction Since his creation man is trying to quench his thirst for knowledge and unconsciously he is expecting knowledge as a source of peace , power and unity. This urge led man to formulate different philosophies for getting educated . Some major philosophies of education are these Idealism Realism Pragmatism Reconstructivism Essentialism Behaviorism Existentialism All...
3232 Words 7 Pages

Theism Christianity And Naturalism: Philosophic Debate

Introduction to Philosophy Worldview, which acts as a filter of the mind, plays an important role in the life of each individual living on the earth by affecting the way that one is thinking, recognizing, and even solving the problems. There is more than one worldview out there, such as Theism Christianity. Naturalism, Nihilism…… However,...
688 Words 2 Pages

Existentialism For Pupils And Teachers

“Philosophical existentialism has sought to understand the nature of human existence and the possible meaning(s) that might be made thereof” (Wardle, 2016). This is realising that humans exist first, and they spend the rest of their lives trying to change or better their essences that makes them human. When one looks at the meaning of...
644 Words 1 Page

Just War Theory: A Tradition Of War Ethics

On War In the last 3400 years, we have only been at peace for 268 years – around 8%. The other 92% has been spent in conflict, brutally killing each other and fighting. In the 20th century, at least 108 million people have been killed in various wars. In about two years, as a Singaporean...
2020 Words 4 Pages

Naturalism And Abstracted Devices In Art

Both naturalism and abstracted devices, although highly contrasting in nature, revolve around the exploration and distortion of reality. Naturalism aims to portray something in its genuine entirety and focuses on detail, reflection, and physical appearance. Whereas abstracted devices draw on distortion to portray an impression of the world. Abstracted devices defy the strict structure of...
1474 Words 3 Pages

Naturalism And Distortion In Selected Works By Dylan Lewis And Thandi Rose

In the sculptures, Running Cheetah 3 and Male Trans-Figure II Marquette by Dylan Lewis and graphite drawings, Porous Vir I (Pig Man I) and Porcus Vir II (Pig Man II) by Thandi Rose naturalism and distortion play prominent roles in the composition of the artworks. Naturalism, the depiction of realistic objects in a natural setting...
975 Words 2 Pages
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