Essays on Philosophical Theory

The Main Components Of Renaissance Humanism

It is true that many different interpretations are offered as to what Renaissance humanism actually consisted of. It has been argued to have been both a political and civic philosophy [1], positing a great number of political and civic ideals that would be adopted by communes and countries across Europe. It has also been said...
2118 Words 5 Pages

Industrialism And Humanism In The Evolution Of Urban Forms

Abstract Industrialism and humanism plays a major role in the evolution of urban form over the centuries. Ever since the first industrial revolution, urbanization has quickened the processes of evolution as the surge in population meant the dire need for changes to be made in cities. The urban form has and will evolve to the...
2957 Words 6 Pages

Philosophy Of Education: Comparative Analysis Of Theories

Educational philosophy refers to a teacher’s vision of the purpose of education and its role in society. It focus on what teachers should teach and how they relate their values and beliefs to teaching. Philosophy of education examines the goals, methods and meaning of teaching. Al-Farabi: Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Muhammad Al-Farabi is widely known...
1620 Words 4 Pages

Just War: Arguments For And Against

War: The bane of civilization’s existence. War is often characterized by the absence of peace, but war’s nature extends beyond that very characteristic. Its definition is widely disputed and this is partly because those who have undertaken the task of delving into the subject of war, have been baffled by the complexities of its dynamic...
982 Words 2 Pages

Concept Of A Dualistic Cosmos In Brie Gertler's Work

What is the pertinence between the mind (nonphysical) and the body (physical)? Are they two separate individual entities as many dualists believe or they are connected as one thing? Brie Gertler says in her essay In Defense of Mind-Body Dualism that the mind and the body are not one thing, yet they share similar aspects....
820 Words 2 Pages

Behaviourism And Humanism As Learning Theories: Comparative Essay

Learning theories “date as far back as 500 BC” (Bates, 2016, p.3), which shows the continued importance of these throughout the years, and how it is essential for teachers and educators to be aware of these for effective teaching. Therefore, the focus of this essay is on the way different learning theories can have an...
1944 Words 4 Pages

Philosophical Theory Of Determinism: General Overview

Determinism is a belief in the inevitability of causation. Everything that happens is the only possible thing that could happen. The chains and networks of causes are so powerful and inexorable that every outcome is inevitable (Baumeister, 2009). In other words, everything that did happen was the only possible thing that could have happened at...
708 Words 2 Pages

Christian Just War Theory: Terrorism Versus Pacifism

Ethics is defined as “moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity”. The ethical approach to the ways in which wars are conducted has changed considerably. Despite the changes in ways wars have been conducted in the last century, the Christian Just War Theory is still relevant in addressing modern...
1320 Words 3 Pages

Advocacy In An Age Of Disconnect: The Power Of Grassroots Activism And Its Impact On Contemporary Environmentalism

Introduction The purpose of this research paper is to evaluate the role of the Central Coast Community Environment Network (CEN) in social and political spheres, accounting for the ideas, beliefs, and values which underpin the organization. CEN, an environmental community-based non-government organization, endeavors to provide a regional voice for environmental sustainability as well as a...
2442 Words 5 Pages
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