Essays on Philosophical Theory

Malaysia’s National Philosophy Of Education

‘Education in Malaysia is a constant effort and hard work within the direction to pursue and furthermore expanding the potential of individuals in an exceedingly holistic and combined approach, with the intention to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and socially balanced and harmonious, based on a strong faith in religious beliefs and...
767 Words 2 Pages

Structuralism Versus Functionalism: Comparative Essay

The end of the nineteenth century leading into the next century saw major developments in the field of American academic psychology. Psychology as a discipline was established at universities. After studying under Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig for two years, Edward Titchener created a laboratory for studying mental structures at Cornell University. Titchener formally developed structuralism...
1186 Words 3 Pages

Pseudo Environmentalism And Personal Reflection

We feel it, we see it, we read about it. Earth is in trouble and we have got 12 years we set our home on an irreversible journey of severe global warming (Watts, 2018). Everything that ranges from agriculture to our homes and even human lives would then be in jeopardy and something has to...
609 Words 1 Page

Strengths And Weakness Of Structural Functionalism

During this essay I will be discussing both the strengths and the weaknesses of structural functionalism, I will also be using academic reference in order to support some of the points that will be made throughout the essay. The outlook functionalist has on sociology is that every aspect of society contributes to the stability and...
2060 Words 5 Pages

Functionalism: The Overview Of The Theory

Functionalism theory is based on the foundation that all aspects of a society serve a purpose and that all are necessary for the survival of society since functionalism must work together in harmony to maintain a state of equilibrium. Functionalism provides everyone with different perspectives to view our social world and challenges that we can...
571 Words 1 Page

Individualism Vs Communalism: Comparative Analysis

I have spoken to a couple of different people about these two concepts and have found some pretty interesting schools of thought. Some people believe that these two concepts can coexist. To an extent, I agree. In my opinion, it seems that we can still be individuals while simultaneously engaging within a community setting. For...
688 Words 2 Pages

Philosophy Of Education: John Dewey, Al-ghazali And Al-farabi

Philosophical Perspectives of Education The word philosophy came from two Greek words ‘Phileo’ (love) and ‘Sophia’ (wisdom). This literally means love of wisdom. It tells something about the nature of philosophy at some extent, because many disciplines find it from wisdom. The word Education came from (Latin) educare ‘brings up’, which is related to educere...
3388 Words 7 Pages

Pacifism As A Major Subject Of Islamic Mysticism And Rumi’s Thoughts

Pacificism Pacificism is a major subject of Islamic mysticism and Rumi’s thoughts. Based on pacificism, the mystic believes God as existential and absolute truth and there is no one but God. Pacificism is the opposition to war or violence as a means of settling disputes or gaining an advantage. Pacificism in Islamic mysticism means the...
544 Words 1 Page

Individualism As A Danger To Democracy

According to Tocqueville, what is individualism, why is it a danger to society, and what is the link between individualism and equality? In Democracy in America, Tocqueville explains that individualism is the focus on the self, that leads to weakness and isolationism, and that equality tends to dissolve bonds between people. Tocqueville begins volume two,...
928 Words 2 Pages

The Morality Of Civil War

The ongoing fights are Yemen is getting worse and the (long) civil war in the small but (strategic well placed) Arab country could have a huge global impact since Yemen is situated close to the Bab Al Mandad, a waterway through which most of the world’s oil passes. The fighting in Yemen takes place between...
1498 Words 3 Pages
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