Essays on Science

Impact Of Human Infrastructure And Human Disturbances On Mammalian Predator Communities: Mongoose

Introduction Human infrastructure and disturbances can negatively affect the behaviour and activities of terrestrial mammals such as the invasive small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus). commonly known as mongoose. One aspect of human infrastructure is physical infrastructure, which refers to the standard physical structures needed for an economy to function and survive (e.g., transportation networks, power...
1377 Words 3 Pages

Biodiversity Project Report: American Alligator, Nitrospirae, Forams, Morel Mushroom, Saguaro Cactus, Cheetah, African Elephant, Red Fox, Giant Panda

American Alligator Range: American alligators live in the wild in the southeastern United States. They can be found as far west as texas, and as far east as north Carolina. Habitat: American alligators live in rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, bayous, and marshes Size: Length: 9.8-15 ft. Height: N/A height not measured Weight: 500 lbs. Characteristics:...
1046 Words 2 Pages

Cognitive Power Initiated by A Different Sized Brain: Parrot

Besides human, parrots and some songbirds, there have never been other specie able to mimic other specie’s language. It is been taken as an insult when you get a comment such as having a bird like brain, but after a variety of studies scientists think it should be a compliment due to the high intelligence...
707 Words 2 Pages

Bottlenose Dolphins: Theory Of Mind Research Report

Background Theory of mind refers to the ability to understand another’s mental states including their intentions, desires and beliefs (Apperly, 2012). An important question and a current debate that researchers are trying to discover is the age at which humans begin to develop a theory of mind. It has been suggested that children develop a...
1522 Words 3 Pages

The Bottlenose Dolphins Of The Moray Firth: Cetaceans On A Precarious Knife-edge

A little Background A massive array of wildlife make the Moray Firth their home; including many European Protected Species such as Harbour Porpoise and Minke Whale Otters, Grey Seals, Harbour Seals, seasonal visitors such as Basking Sharks and various Seabirds. However, it is the globally unique Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) who are the talking point...
2411 Words 5 Pages

The Iran Nuclear Deal: Advantages And Disadvantages

This essay will seek to explore both the advantages and disadvantages that came from the ‘stunning historic mistake’ (Netanyahu Benjamin, Prime Minister of Israel) that transpired on November 24th, 2013. The Iran nuclear deal is an interim agreement for a ‘Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action’ (JCPOA) that was passed during a conference between Iran and...
2399 Words 5 Pages

Types Of Cells: Prokaryote Cells Versus Eukaryotic Cells

Background: The cell is considered as the main functional and structural unit of all known organisms. There are two types of cells prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Prokaryotic cells are unicellular organisms with no nucleus. They contain non-membranous organelles Eukaryotic cells which may be unicellular or multicellular having a nucleus. Plant and animal cells are considered...
648 Words 1 Page

Cry Of The Kalahari: Mark And Delia Owens About Lions

Mark and Delia Owens are two individuals who shared the love of researching and understanding animals in their natural habitat. They were zoologists who strove to their dream of saving the precious life in Africa. They met in the early 70s as students at the University of Georgia, and soon were able to live their...
1467 Words 3 Pages
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