Essays on Zoology

Editing Elephant Tusk Length: Genome Editing

Elephants are known to be the largest land walking mammals on the planet. The elephantidae specie has lived on this planet going back 5-10 million years where they have spread throughout Africa and Asia. As they are known for their long pointy external teeth or tusks, elephants are the most poached species in the world....
1562 Words 3 Pages

Koala: Endangered Animals and Humans

Koalas in Australia are dying off because of the severe wildfires spreading rapidly throughout the environment. The fires are ruining so much of the vegetation and habitat for koalas and other animals like kangaroo that they have nowhere to go and have been slowly dying of severe burns and smoke inhalation. Even after rescue the...
1359 Words 3 Pages

Phorusrhacidae: Terror Birds Research Paper

Phorusrahicidae is the scientific name, this creature is known as the terror birds. They were class birds, and the phylum was chordate. They also were the biggest birds during the Cenozoic era. This creature was from 3ft 10 into 10ft 10in tall. In addition, they have been extinct from 62 – 1.8 million years ago....
713 Words 2 Pages

Birds In Analyzing The World’s Crisis Of Biodiversity

Birds are a good organism to analyze when looking at the world’s crisis of biodiversity because birds can virtually be found anywhere around the world and live in almost every environment. Also, birds have been studied for a long time and they are very well known and have very accurate information about them which may...
809 Words 2 Pages

Teleost Fish: The Importance Of Fish Skin Mucus

Teleosts are fin fishes comprise 96% of all known fish species exist in earth. Fish were the first vertebrates of this world and through evolutionary adaptation it still remains in almost all aquatic bodies including freshwater and marine water. Currently, based on, there are more than 34,000 fish species present in our earth whilst...
1086 Words 2 Pages

Vervet Monkeys: Aspects Of Their Ecology And Behaviour

The Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) is an Old-World monkey of the family Cercopithecidae native to east Africa. They are semi-terrestrial and medium-sized monkeys with long tails; the average body length for an adult male is about 50 centimetres and about 40 centimetres for female adult. This species is widely spread in east Africa and their...
723 Words 2 Pages

Fantasy Becomes Reality: Human Genes Cause Monkey Brain To Grow Larger

Abstract: Researchers in Germany and Japan created transgenic monkeys, and found that a human-specific gene causes marmoset to develop a larger neocortex. The question of how many creatures there are on the earth is a bit difficult to answer. Although the exploration never stops, there are still a lot of unknown things. If narrowing the...
510 Words 1 Page
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