Essays on Computer Science

Open-Source Software Development

Introduction: Open-source software is the process of studying, changing, and improving the designs, features of the software. As its source code is publicly available under an open-source license, users are able to modify the software as they need or as they want for their better use. OSS development has played an essential role in the...
1160 Words 3 Pages

Cyber Security Threats And Vulnerabilities And Risk

1. Abstract The world is changing, as is its necessities and development. Apart from all the basic factors, technology has been a fundamental cause for development almost all around the world. With technology and computers evolving at this speed, it is obvious to encounter its threats and vulnerabilities. For all the positive reasons, cyber security...
2512 Words 6 Pages

The Issues Of Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is a principle that is made to protect individual free access to all content and applications equally, regardless of the source. In other words, internet Service Providers are bound to provide services to their customers by not restricting them from or limiting their access to what they access on the internet. When net...
948 Words 2 Pages

Internet: Benefits For Business Development

Introduction There has been increasing in the popularity and economic relevance of social media over recent years as it enables users to share data, information, and media products. There are different social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. that provide technology platforms to establish and multiply relationships between users and organizations through social...
767 Words 2 Pages

Cyber Security: Malware Used By Hackers

Today’s use of technology has drastically changed since the 1970s since the first computer was released. Well, the year is 2020 and almost everything is done on the computer or a cell phone. In 2018, 84% of households in the U.S. owned a computer and in the same year, 765 million people were hacked or...
2050 Words 5 Pages

Internet Protocols: Functions, Version History And Reliability

Abstract – Stands for ‘Internet Protocol.’ IP provides a standard set of rules for sending and receiving data over the Internet. It allows devices running on different platforms to communicate with each other as long as they are connected to the Internet. In order for an Internet-connected host to be recognized by other devices, it...
1654 Words 4 Pages

Internet Of Things: IOT In Industries And Healthcare

What’s the internet of things? Internet of things is becoming a very frequent topic in our lives because of the huge impact it makes on our lives. So what’s the internet of things (IoT)? basically, the Internet of things is the concept of connecting objects or devices around us to the internet, and by objects,...
1444 Words 3 Pages

Cyber Today: Unrestricted Content And Cyber Laws

Introduction: Cybercrime today is something that is in the news on a daily basis. We as consumers and as individuals are under attack and need to understand how to protect ourselves. Identifying and knowing what cyber and cybercrime consists of is the first step. This course, introduced us to Cybercrime. What exactly is cybercrime? Cybercrime...
1248 Words 3 Pages

Internet Of Things: Layers And Applications Of IOT

Abstract The IoT is the internet of things the network of devices and appliances contains software, electronics and connectivity. It has 7 layers and architecture. It is used in many ways such as smart home, smart city, smartwatch and etc. Key phrases: IoT, smart cities, smart environment, IoT application, application ranking. Introduction The IoT entails...
1043 Words 2 Pages
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