Essays on Europe

Ukraine: Architecture, Fine Arts And Pop Culture

Ukraine’s culture is made up of a vast amount of material and spiritual values that have forged the country over the years. To understand Ukrainian culture you must first understand a little bit about the country as well as some of the history. Ukraine was not officially independent as a country again until 1991 when...
997 Words 2 Pages

Rome: The Architecture of the City

Rome is a modern city that has been striving to balance between preserving its vivid historical artifacts and the increasing demands of urbanization. Both Aaron Betsky’s article- “Uneternal City” and Aldo Rossi’s book called “The Architecture of the City” give solutions to tackle this problem and instead adapt to tactical urban strategies to reuse spaces...
548 Words 1 Page

A Concise History Of Ireland

As time goes on, Ireland a nation with a splendid top level. In 2005, the ‘Cash related capable’ diary picked it spot on earth to live. Countless people any place all through skyline offer the end and had move them over the most recent ten years. Accidentally, the positive perspective were routinely the condition. Ireland...
1077 Words 2 Pages

Major Changing Points In The History Of Russia

Russia Most people know that Russia was once named the Soviet Union. But people `don’t know Russia was named Russia before being the Soviet Union. Russia before Russia was in a very big change in its carrier. They had a revolution, new governments many more changes that you will learn about in this easy. Russia...
513 Words 1 Page

Paris In 19th Century: Economic Problems, Political Gain And Social Divide

Under Louis Napoleon Bonaparte’s rule, a radical resifting of Paris’ infrastructure into something unrecognizable would happen, all under the guise of modernization. The revolution that would transform France into the Second Empire would also transform its capital into a display of imperial pomp. Charged with the reconstruction of the street system, Baron Haussmann took as...

The City Development Of Athens

The ancient Greek city-state occupied an extremely important position in its history, it gradually developed in the 8th century BC. Polis which is a basic state form of Greece generally centered on a city, including the surrounding villages. Among the many city-states in Greece, Athens is not only the ancient but also the most powerful...
1120 Words 2 Pages

Annexation Of Crimea By Russia: Critical Analysis

Introduction Following the horror of two world wars, the Charter of the United Nations was introduced in 1945 encouraging the pacific settlement of disputes and banning unilateral uses of force. As a result of this ban, in theory, there are only two instances where a use of force is lawful, namely with prior authorisation as...
2365 Words 5 Pages

Townscape: The Art of City Planning In Italy, Rome

“A city should be built to give its inhabitants security and happiness” (Aristotle). It is only in our mathematical century that the construction and extension of cities has become a purely technical matter.” (LeGates and Stout, 1999). Hellenistic architecture has been around since 323 BC, with a focus on public spaces and temples, designed with...
1735 Words 4 Pages
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