Essays on Health

Social Cues In Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a term used to describe a group of deficits such as a lack of social communication and repetitive sensory-motor behaviours, it is associated with a strong genetic component as well as other causes, these deficits are said to appear early on in an individual’s life and ASD shows itself in...
2602 Words 6 Pages

Reasons Breast Implant Surgery Useful For Women

Whenever women get disappointed by their boob’s size, they can go for enlargement procedures. It is nothing, but it cut extra tissues and keeps the focus on actual size. This is completely a cosmetic way to do for everyone. It should not have side effects when you undergo this technique. As a part of treatment,...
503 Words 1 Page

Meditation And Its Benefits

A Powerful and effective technique that changed billions of lives around the world which is initially originated in Ancient India. Many people nowadays are suffering from different health issues due to their lifestyle and work stress. There are other groups of people who are suffering from a mental break down and mental health-related disorders. If...
720 Words 2 Pages

Critical Evaluation If The Role Of The Invalidating Environment In Borderline Personality Disorder

Personality disorders are a cluster of disorders characterised by pervasive and maladaptive thought patterns and behaviours that cause significant distress and impairment to an individual’s ability to function (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). Although the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) includes 10 types of personality disorder, this essay will focus on borderline...

Prostate Cancer In And Therapy

In the UK, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, with 47,500 men being diagnosed with prostate cancer every year leading to over 11,500 deaths per year. In Northern Ireland alone, over 1,000 men are diagnosed every year with prostate cancer with 250 dying from the disease (Prostate cancer UK, 2020). Androgen deprivation...
935 Words 2 Pages

Substance Use Psychological Theories

Substance use can be experimental or a one-off experience, for example, but the risk factors and vulnerabilities of some individuals developing a dependency, resulting in Substance Use Disorder (SUD), over another individual has varying influences and is multifaceted. The DSM-V criteria for substance use disorders cover several criteria, including: 1) taking the substance in large...
897 Words 2 Pages

Asthma And Its Treatment

Introduction Asthma is a complex heterogeneous disease, characterised by chronic airway inflammation and recurrent, episodic respiratory exacerbations, namely wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing, particularly at night (Kaufman, 2011). Danvers et al (2019) describe asthma as being the most prevalent chronic condition affecting children within the United Kingdom (UK), with 374 child deaths (14 years...
1665 Words 4 Pages

Diabetes: Signs, Symptoms And Other Factors

The intention of this essay is to examine the general feeling of those who are suffering from type 2 diabetes and discuss some origins, signs including treatment needs. This subject was chosen because of the number of people currently receiving diagnoses for treatment. Traditionally, this illness was believed to be a disease for those above...
911 Words 2 Pages

Type Two Diabetes: Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

This report will study the seriousness of type two diabetes within society and highlights the causes, symptoms and treatments available for the illness. This topic is chosen because of the huge concern of the number of people suffering from the disease. Traditionally, type 2 diabetes was thought to be a disease for old people above...
1007 Words 2 Pages

Analysis Of Cognitive Dissonance Theories

Over the years, there have been many unique types of psychological theories that have been created by people that can be applied to the public services. In terms of the form of psychology that I have chosen to look at in this report, I have chosen to focus on social psychology. I could have selected...
1820 Words 4 Pages
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