Essays on History of the United States

The Impact Of Civil Rights Movement In USA On Australia

 The US civil rights movement in the 1960s successfully influenced change in Australia for Aboriginal and Torre Strait Islander people. With this successful change in the law, Aboriginals and Torre Strait Islanders have the right to vote and the right to ownership of land. However, there are still many things that need to be attended...
813 Words 2 Pages

The Influence Of USA Civil Rights Movement On Australia

The US civil rights movement in the 1960s successfully influenced activism change in Australia for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. With this successful change in the law, aboriginals and Torres strait islanders have the right to vote and the right to ownership of land. However, there are still many things that need to be...
592 Words 1 Page

Abigail Williams: The Power Of Identity

The citizens in Massachusetts’s town of Salem were suppressed, diligent and extremely obedient. This puritan society changed in 1692, when the entire town became hysterical over the possibility of witchcraft being present in their Christian town. Citizens became ruthless; condemning and perjuring the innocent and deceiving the court just to save their own name. Would...
894 Words 2 Pages

Causes And Effects Of Salem Witch Trials

The tragedy of the Salem Witch Trials caused 20 innocent people to be put to death, for the lack of understanding medical examinations and their religious beliefs. The trials lasted from 1692 all the way until 1693, causing even as young as 4 years old to be arrested. They had no knowledge of mental illnesses...
977 Words 2 Pages

The Civil Rights Movements Of The USA And Australia

The Civil rights movements in the USA and Australia in the mid 20th century was a fight for African-American and Aboriginal people to be treated as equal citizens in their respective countries. Protests like the “Sit-Ins” in the US, the tent embassy in Australia. These movements were pushed forward by strong leadership from prominent civil...
866 Words 2 Pages

Effect Of Great Depression On Australia

Life in Australia during the Great Depression changed dramatically. The struggling economy’s effects on Australian families after the Wall Street crash were accelerated due to poor economic decisions made by the Australian Government at the time. The Great Depression affected the majority of the population of Australia, including working-class families living in inner cities, as...
1050 Words 2 Pages

Pearl Harbor: Reaction Of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Our nation was attacked and we needed a sense of peace and understanding. The people of the United States didn’t know what had happened and how we would respond to what had happened, all they knew was that their possible loved ones may have died and they would like some information on this brutal attack....
1570 Words 3 Pages

The Development Of Bionic Eye over The Last 20 Years?

Humans are ambitious and ultimately want technology to maximise efficiency and function optimally in the shortest time possible. However, when it comes to the eye, there are millions of cones and rod receptors which interact neutrally to create perception – one “of the biggest challenges for prosthetic vision” (Merabet, 2011). While the bionic eye has...
966 Words 2 Pages

The Great Depression: American Economic Disaster

The Great Depression lasted a decade from 1929 and proved to be the worst economic disaster in American history. It is widely accepted to have originated when New York’s Wall Street stock market went into a panic due to an extreme rise in investors, which when prices dropped and investors liquidating millions of shares leading...
477 Words 1 Page
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