Essays on History of the United States

Analysis Of Hysteria Of McCarthyism In The Crucible

 Human experiences are built on the context of their time, influenced by the values of individuals and collective to dictate their judgements and actions. Arthur Miller’s allegorical tragedy The Crucible (1953), explores the scenes of the 1692 Salem Witchtrials in Salem, Massachusetts, and was written to highlight the similarities with 1950’s McCarthyism. Through the Crucible,...
985 Words 2 Pages

Changes In Society After The September 11

After 9/11, Arab and Muslim cultures have been at the forefront of negative backlash, the attacks have opened the world to opinions and oppression’s of Arab’s and Muslims. However, “9/11 has become increasingly normalized and politicized – that is, has been made to fit with particular ideological prejudices” (Doran, 2010). Leaders have heightened security and...
1380 Words 3 Pages

Katrina: Federalism And Hurricanes

Federalism divides powers, roles and responsibilities of the government between the federal government and state and local governments. The principle of federalism features prominently in ideas and language in the United States Constitution. Federalism impacts all areas of the government from simple, local government functions up through the federal government level. While federalism has advantages...
1299 Words 3 Pages

Changes Occurred During The Progressive Era

Before the Progressive Era began, the United States experienced massive migrations as well as rapid urbanization. Along with these changes, big businesses began to rise in the last decades of the nineteenth century such as those of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. These developments were followed by efforts to reshape the American economy and...
803 Words 2 Pages

The History Of African American Music

 African American music has changed throughout American history, and which caused a deep meaning for the different types of music. African American music has made a huge impact in America. African American music started with spirituals and work songs, slaves brought spirituals and work songs to America. Music was important to slaves because they use...

Trail Of Tears: We Shall Remain America Through Native Eyes

The Trail of Tears was a heartbreaking and tragic event in America’s history. Thousands of Native Americans were forced to leave their Appalachian home to move West, under President Andrew Jackson’s command. The events that led up to that forceful removal are outlined well in Chris Eyre’s ​Trail of Tears: We Shall Remain. ​Through cinematic...
484 Words 1 Page

Revealing The Sense Of Monroe Doctrine

Since the War of 1812 the U.S. had adopted a policy of neutrality towards European politics. The Monroe doctrine, issued in 1823, even threatened military action against European nations trying to intervene in the Western Hemisphere. During the Civil War, Napoleon III, hoping to take advantage of the Civil War, sent French troops to occupy...
476 Words 1 Page

Women During The Progressive Era

During the Progressive Era, millions of Americans organized reforms in attempt to revolutionize industries, working conditions, and immigrantion issues. Between the 1890s and 1920s, American women advanced politically, socially, and economically thus emerging as a focal point for social reform. Women progressed in the political reform and began to speak out against laws that were...
597 Words 1 Page
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