Essays on History

Causes And Effects Of Salem Witch Trials

The tragedy of the Salem Witch Trials caused 20 innocent people to be put to death, for the lack of understanding medical examinations and their religious beliefs. The trials lasted from 1692 all the way until 1693, causing even as young as 4 years old to be arrested. They had no knowledge of mental illnesses...
977 Words 2 Pages

The Civil Rights Movements Of The USA And Australia

The Civil rights movements in the USA and Australia in the mid 20th century was a fight for African-American and Aboriginal people to be treated as equal citizens in their respective countries. Protests like the “Sit-Ins” in the US, the tent embassy in Australia. These movements were pushed forward by strong leadership from prominent civil...
866 Words 2 Pages

Ancient Rome: Geography, Society, Believes

Geographical setting The city of Rome is located on the west coast of modern-day Italy surrounded by the Mediterranean sea. Mediterranean climate is very pleasant with warm, dry summers and cool, mild winters. Ancient Rome was built on seven hills at the bank of the Tiber River, the second largest river in the country. Romes’...
758 Words 2 Pages

Three Main Features Of The City Of Tenochtitlan

The Aztecs were a powerful society that ruled for close to 80 years . This civilisation was situated in the present day valley of mexico city. Three main features that helped solidify their dominance were there revolutionary way of harvesting called Chinampas there unique agriculture and finally their bustling trade and tradesmen. One of the...
451 Words 1 Page

Columbian Exchange: Colonization, Reasons Of Exchange

As a result of the three g’s, the columbian exchange took place, creating a extremely significant event on the world stage. During the 15th and 16th century the Spanish explored the undiscovered lands, uncovering the new world. They colonised with 3 goals in mind, Gold, glory and god. The columbian exchange exchanged many things, such...
510 Words 1 Page

The Role Of Imperialism And Nationalism During The World War I

Imperialism and nationalism played a large role in the breakout of the First World War as the assassination was a clear example of Austria-Hungary taking over Bosnia, although the alliance system escalated the war to the extent it was. Countries that took on nationalism as well as imperialism all,, played a part in the conflicts...
680 Words 1 Page

Actions That Made Mother Teresa Worldwide Known

Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born on the 26th of August 1910. During her childhood, she was determined towards the work performed by the missionaries. Not only that but the skills she learnt from an early age such as feeding the homeless and donating to the less fortunate were highly influenced to where she was heading...
613 Words 1 Page

The Effect Of The Plague In Medieval Europe

INTRODUCTION The Black Death (Yersinia pestis) was the most catastrophic event in the middle ages and it had several very important impacts on European society. While the Black Death had a huge impact in Europe killing 30-70% of its population, it also had several long-term consequences. The plague exposed the flaws in medieval medicine, prompting...
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How The Black Death Changed The Medical World

The Black Death or the great plague, struck in 1347 and wiped out 50 million across Europe, 60% of the population was gone. The plague was caused by a bacterium named Yersinia Pestis, it is believed that the disease was likely spread from rodents to humans by the bite of infected fleas. The plague was...
1058 Words 2 Pages
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