Essays on History

The Vikings In Ireland

One of the greatest sources on Viking history comes from Ireland. There is a long history of interactions between the Irish and the Northmen which is recorded in many annals, poems and other texts written by monks as well as writers from the era. Ireland stood as a key region in the Viking-Age as it...
2246 Words 5 Pages

Mahatma Gandhi: Brief Biography

Mahatma Gandhi was a great politician, leader, statesman, scholar and freedom fighter. He was a public figure. He led the freedom movement. It was under his leadership that India got independence from rule after years of struggle. He launched many freedom movements to liberate the country from the rule of foreigners. He was the apostle...
562 Words 1 Page

Biography Of Julius Caesar

 Gaius Julius Caesar was brought to life in 100BC he was born in Rome in a city called Subaru, when Caesar was six he started to learn and was taught by he was taught by a special tutor named Marcus Antonius Gnipho. He was taught how to speak in public and around people and also...
516 Words 1 Page

Comparison Of Samurai And Knights

Although the samurai and the knights shared their differences, they both came around to be very similar in various aspects of their daily lives. Both tribes had the following in common; code of behaviour, weapons and armour all in which contributed to shaping what society is today. Weaponry and armour were similar in most aspects,...
877 Words 2 Pages

Crimes Committed by Caesar

Caesar was a politician and general of the late Roman republic, who greatly extended the Roman empire before grabbing and taking control of power and making himself dictator of Rome, paving the way for the imperial system. Caesar is not only known for his rise to power and fame but also for his evil and...
599 Words 1 Page

Effect Of Great Depression On Australia

Life in Australia during the Great Depression changed dramatically. The struggling economy’s effects on Australian families after the Wall Street crash were accelerated due to poor economic decisions made by the Australian Government at the time. The Great Depression affected the majority of the population of Australia, including working-class families living in inner cities, as...
1050 Words 2 Pages

Pearl Harbor: Reaction Of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Our nation was attacked and we needed a sense of peace and understanding. The people of the United States didn’t know what had happened and how we would respond to what had happened, all they knew was that their possible loved ones may have died and they would like some information on this brutal attack....
1570 Words 3 Pages

Overview Of The Black Death And The Crusades

What was The Black Death and The Crusades? In this Essay I will be unpacking questions and writing and extended response to these questions. What were these events and why did they occur, what were important dates and significant times relating to these events, how did the people react and what impacts did it have...
1065 Words 2 Pages

Black Death In Medieval Europe And The Khmer Empire

Being two different civilisations, Medieval Europe and the Khmer Empire had obvious differences, however they also had similarities. There will always be people who break the law, and both the Khmer Empire and Medieval Europe had similar ideas of what was right and wrong. Both empires dealt with crimes with methods of punishment and torture....
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