Essays on Interpersonal Relationship

Importance and Meaning of Love in Human's Life: Opinion Essay

Abstract Humans are social beings. In comparison with Animalia, humans are regarded like the primates for their social qualities. Beyond the other creature, humans are adept at utilizing systems of communication for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, and organization, and as such have created complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups. Human...
3159 Words 7 Pages

An Inevitable Scenario of Love in Human's Life: Opinion Essay

Introduction In this world full of different thoughts, every individual has its unique mindset to think deeper and strive for what is right. They need to think critically to cope up with people and understand its true notions. All of us has to know the meaning of self-realization and being conscious to the situations we...
2553 Words 6 Pages

Importance Of Interpersonal Communication in Relationships

In today’s business world, effective communication plays an essential role in the development of any given organization. According to Bevan and Sole (2014), employers need and want employees who are competent and good communicators. In a professional setting, excellent interpersonal communication facilitates the decision-making process which at times requires communicating complex information. Notably, leaders with...

Characteristics of Saleem and the Mother of Courage: Analytical Essay

Introduction Saleem is an Indian said ‘Jesus’ who was born at exactly 15th august 1947 the exact time when India delivered itself from the colonial yoke. He is a narrator as he appears in the book midnights children by Salman Rushdie. On his 31st birthday, Saleem prophesies his death and complains of his body generating...
1001 Words 2 Pages

Genetic and Chemical Causes of Love: Analytical Essay

Write a discussion essay explaining what science has discovered about the genetic and chemical causes of love as described in The Right Chemistry. Pick the three most important causes and finish with a personal reflection or recommendation. Love is a cocktail of brain chemicals: dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphin. Love triggers your happy chemicals. That’s why...
538 Words 1 Page

Interrelatedness of Mother and Newborn: Historical Essay

Current Hospitalization The patient is a 391 one-day-old neonate who was born via c-section 09/09/2019 at 1109AM. The estimated delivery date was 09/16/2019. Apgar’s were 9/9. Baby weighed 3.775 kg and is 50.8 cm in length. Head circumference is 38.7 cm and chest circumference is 34.3 cm. Delivery was uneventful and no resuscitation efforts were...
2465 Words 5 Pages

Types of Love in the Society: Analytical Essay

The love that lies between family is a natural flow of affection without physical or sexual appeal. This type of love is called a storge love in the Ancient Greek language. It’s the belief that love within the family is a natural, instinctive, and familiar feeling that lasts a lifetime. On the contrary, people say...
1144 Words 3 Pages

The Act of Being a Mother Versus The Act of Mothering: Analytical Essay

In Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, the audience is introduced to a large variety of characters. Most of the characters have aspects that can compare and contrast with one another. Juliet has two mother-like figures throughout the play. Her mother is still alive, giving no reason for her not to be in her life. As...
722 Words 2 Pages

Of Mice and Men Essay: Analysis of Curley’s Wife

“I tell you I ain’t used to livin’ like this. I coulda made somethin’ of myself.” (Steinbeck 88). Curley’s wife is heartbroken and regretful as a result of her failing miserably in achieving her American dream due to several factors such as her marriage to Curley. In the novel titled Of Mice and Men by...
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