Essays on Law

The CJEU's View On Supremacy Of EU Law

The supremacy of EU law The notion of the supremacy of EU law denotes that where there is a conflict between an area of EU law and an area of the domestic law of a MS, EU law will overrule. However, the officiation of the principle remains to occur under treaty status. Instead, being generally...
396 Words 1 Page

Court Hierarchy In The

Magistrates Court The Magistrates Court is a court of the first instance, this usually is where the case is heard for the first time. All cases start at the Magistrates Court and around 95% of criminal cases are completed here, this is because they deal with two different categories of offences. The Magistrates Court deals...
1033 Words 2 Pages

Common Mistakes In Contract Law

This specific case looks at common mistakes in contract law and how they can affect contracts and more specifically the subject matter. A common mistake in simple is where both parties hold the same mistaken belief of the facts within a contract. This, therefore, leads both parties to reach an agreement however this agreement is...
521 Words 1 Page

Formal And Substantive Commitment To The Rule Of Law

The rule of law is a principle/theory which simply states that the system of government should be on the basis of the law rather than the basis of individual politics and has to be followed by everyone including the crown, politicians and members of the executive. It is seen to be a simplistic approach that...
883 Words 2 Pages

The Concept Of Judicial Review And Its Functions

The court proceeding in which a judge review lawfulness of a decision or action taken by Public body is known as Judicial Review. The judicial review is sort of split in two main sections firstly bringing case for judicial review and secondly the actual grounds for judicial review. Bringing a case for Judicial Review there...
929 Words 2 Pages

The Classification Of A Worker And Employees In Employment Law

The classification of a worker and employees is paramount in employment law today. The Employment Rights Act 1996 (ERA) defines a worker, as well as an employee, although with very little direction, as ‘an individual who has entered or works under (or where employment has ceased, worked under) a contract of employment.’ It defines a...
2332 Words 5 Pages

International Law: Occidental Derivations And Persecution of Christians

On the 8th of July 2019, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt thanked the Bishop of Truro for his commissioned review on the persecution of Christians worldwide, and his concluding statements on the support of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), or lack thereof. The review stated that the ‘geographic spread of anti-Christian persecution ’ was indicative...
3010 Words 7 Pages

The Notions Of Police Culture

The notions of police culture, in simple terms refers to the ‘values shared by colleagues in an organisation, which becomes apparent through the occupational practices within that environment.’ This is surrounded by morals, attitudes, and beliefs, encouraging certain ways in which they behave within the police force. Many academics, determined that this is based on...
2878 Words 6 Pages
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