Essays on Literature

Tourism Literature Review In Northern Ireland

Introduction This Literature Review will identify the background literature surrounding tourism in Northern Ireland and similar tourism literature which can be applied to Northern Ireland in order to gain a better understanding in relation to the aims and questions set out in section one. We will explore, in order, emerging-markets tourism, with a specific focus...
984 Words 2 Pages

Macbeth: Power Of Lady Macbeth

Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a construct to explore the effects of power in a women’s hand as a threatening and disastrous force which is a consequence of her ambition deep rooted with desires in order for her to gain a higher rank in the patriarchy. Lady Macbeth’s unorthodox ambition has been present since her...
863 Words 2 Pages

Havisham: Stylistic Devices Used In A Poem

 ‘Havisham’ portrays a hateful, rejected, and isolated woman who life has become a misery. The persona of Miss Havisham (note that Duffy calls her ‘Havisham’), the disregarded woman from Dickens’s novel, is used to bring in different aspects of being a spinster in the Victorian era. The poem pursues an extreme sense of anger, violence,...
1107 Words 2 Pages

Beowulf: An Epic Poem About Courage

An “epic poem” often features long journeys, battles with terrifying fiends, and heroes who display true cunning and bravery when faced with numerous trials. In Beowulf (translated by Seamus Heaney), the titular character is widely considered to be an excellent example of the quintessential epic hero; he outsmarts and kills Grendel (Heaney 661-835), dividing his...
796 Words 2 Pages

Jane Eyre: The Theme Of Painful Love

Pain, misery, and disappointment are all a significant part of this world’s concepts of both life and love. A prime example of this is displayed in Charlotte Bronte’s novel, Jane Eyre, where the protagonist, Jane, suffers through a particularly difficult life; her love is constantly stripped from her the moment she is relishing it most....
861 Words 2 Pages

Bleak House: Language Technique To Create A Character Individuality

As a writer, Dickens was a master of the use of language and vocalised dialect resulting in the creation of characters that evoke speech that is instantly recognisable but ultimately unique. He was known to walk the streets of London, alone and at night while listening to the hectic life that surrounded him during his...
1289 Words 3 Pages

Othello: Features Of Early Modern Period In A Play

The play that shall be used as a case study in this essay is the Shakespearean tragedy, Othello. Written in 1603, the first performance was recorded a year later in the newly ordained king James I’s court. Whilst the play is set in 1570, and focuses on the war between Venice and the Ottoman empire,...
2012 Words 4 Pages

The Theme Of Power In Macbeth

This essay is about how Shakespeare explores the theme of power throughout the play. Macbeth is portrayed as ambitious yet vulnerable because he couldn’t keep his drive for power in control. As a result, it ultimately leads to his family’s and his own death. Macbeth’s ambitions cause him to lose his conscience and we know...
548 Words 1 Page

Ozymandias And Comparison

‘Ozymandias’ and ‘London’ both present human power, but whereas ‘Ozymandias’ explores how political power is intrinsically temporal, ‘London’ acts as a fiery critique of the upper class, who despite having the power to end suffering, fail to build a fair society.  Shelley uses alliterative words, ‘boundless and bare’, ‘lone and level’ to describe the environment...
571 Words 1 Page

Macbeth: The Power Of Ambitions

William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Macbeth displays variances in power throughout the play. There are times when characters demonstrate mighty power and conversely incidents where power is diminished. A the start of the play ultimate power is in the hands of Duncan as King however as the play progresses Duncan’s power is wiped away in a night...
505 Words 1 Page
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