Essays on Philosophical Theory

Context And Definition Of Just War Theory

Just war as a concept of practice is mainly associated with ancient and medieval times. Its historical evidences of the tradition can be found in Christian, Egyptian, Chinese and Indian traditions. The idea of just war is commonly found in the contexts of history and politics. The theme behind this context is to present the...
2465 Words 5 Pages

Free-Advertise Environmentalism As An Answer For Natural Issues

Free-advertise environmentalism features showcase as an answer for natural issues. Promoters contend that free markets can be more effective than government and have been progressively fruitful verifiably in taking care of numerous natural issues. This consideration in free-showcase environmentalism is to some degree wry in light of the fact that ecological issues have frequently been...
1174 Words 3 Pages

Pacifism As An Ultimate Solution For Common Public To Encourage Peace In Society

Majorly I agree with the arguments posed in this document towards violence and non-violence, short-term victory over long-term solutions and, exercising pacifism for long-term peace and well-being of the rational society. However, I would argue these points on the basis of – power, authority, and stake, moral vs immoral grounds. Power, authority and stake History...
822 Words 2 Pages

Dualism And Christianity: Comparative Analysis

The beliefs of Christianity and the framework of the theory, Dualism, are very similar. Both Christianity and Dualism focus on a nonmaterial soul and a material body. The framework of Dualism is that the mind and soul are no longer connected, they exist separately, but they also can interact (Shireav, 2015, pg. 78). The physical...
815 Words 2 Pages

Jean-Paul Sartre Versus Friedrich Nietzsche

Jean-Paul Sartre belongs to the Atheist group of Existentialists. His writings examine man as a responsible but lonely being, burdened with a terrifying freedom to choose and set adrift in a meaningless universe. The main purpose of atheist existentialism is ‘God is nowhere’. Sartre is an atheist existentialist and he believes that ‘Existence precedes Essence’....

Descartes Ideas On Substance Dualism

Substance dualism is a concept in philosophy that primarily revolves around the existence of the body and the mind. Based on this concept, the mind and the body are two different substances that exist independently of each other, and this is a perspective that René Descartes seems to agree with to a great extent. Descartes,...
963 Words 2 Pages

Philosophy Of Education: Definition And Theoretical Issues

As a simple definition, the philosophy of education is a philosophy about education and it’s aims (Hamm, 1989). While Cahn (2009) and Peters (2010) argue that the philosophy of education is merely the study of historical philosophers and the critical examination of their ideas of the aims of education, Oancea and Bridges (2009) and Allen...
1703 Words 4 Pages

Nihilism And Existentialism

What is one’s purpose in life? What meaning does life have? These are a few of the many questions that countless philosophers and ordinary people have been asking for centuries. This idea of questioning the reason for life is known as existentialism. We have all at one point or another questioned the meaning of our...
1871 Words 4 Pages
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