Essays on Politics

A Short Theoretical Debate Over The EU’s Foreign Policy

One of the main problems within the analysis of the European Union’s foreign policy is the characteristics this policy possesses. Whether we can talk about the EU as an empire by the power of example (Zielonka, 2008, p. 483-485) or an empire in search of a mission (Ungureanu, 2012, p.17-21) , it is obvious that...
1920 Words 4 Pages

Parliamentary Sovereignty And Constitution

I started the research process for the presentation by identifying the relevant keywords stated in the question, which would later help me to identify appropriate resources. The two keywords identified were “parliamentary sovereignty” and “UK constitution”. After identifying those keywords I set out to find and read through the relevant chapters in two constitutional law...
2003 Words 4 Pages

The Reliance Of The Constitution On Conventions: A Defining Feature Or A Fundamental Weakness

The reliance of the UK constitution on conventions is both a defining feature, and a fundamental weakness. While they are supposedly binding, conventions cannot effectively proscribe “unconstitutional” behaviour and their content and enforcement is often at the mercy of executive whim.’ The UK constitution is special in the way that conventions help tie together the...
1618 Words 4 Pages

Specificity Of The Constitution

The UK constitution is special in the way that conventions help tie together the many documents that comprise it. However, because conventions are not legally binding, they occasionally create difficult situations to deal with. Constitutional conventions are not legally binding, and therefore there is not really any reason to follow them besides tradition. To some...
1504 Words 3 Pages

Marxism: Ferguson’s And McNally’s Article Analysis

Ferguson’s and McNally’s article (F&M) ”Precarious migrants: gender, race, and the social reproduction of a global working class” in Socialist Register is an example of Marxist analysis because it discusses immigrants who come to another country for work and how low standard of living they are provided in the welcoming state. It also states that...
1583 Words 3 Pages

The Doctrine Of Separation Of Powers

Introduction The essay seeks to explain on the doctrine of separation of powers under the Zambian constitution from the three limbs. It also espouses the functions of each of the three organs of the government in Zambia. Separation of Powers The principle of separation of powers finds its roots from the ancient world, where the...
540 Words 1 Page

Marxism: Phases Of Class Struggle

Marxism Karl Marx believed that capitalism is dangerous to society. Capitalism exploits the working class. The era he lived in was the industrial revolution era, it was the transition to new manufacturing process from the old one. He foresaw that capitalism will only lead to great disparity between the rich and the poor. People will...
1552 Words 3 Pages

: Unwritten Codification, Monarchical And Religion

In this Essay I will be discussing whether or not the UK Constitution is fit for purpose, in relation to the three themes specifically stated: “Unwritten Codification, Monarchical and Religion. After exploring the given themes, I will be giving my opinion on whether an Amendment of the UKs Constitution is required, to be fit for...
1307 Words 3 Pages

Unstable Democracy: Causes Of Instability In Pakistan

What function does political play for a country? Electing a politically strong government is pivotal for terrific administration, concord and monetary improvement. It is handiest the help of a constant administration which could make sure social concord and can hold peace in the society, while an unbalanced government would no longer be capable of make...
2351 Words 5 Pages
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