Essays on Mental Health

Importance Of Music Therapy On Adolescents

A. Physical (Biological) Processes The findings of this result indicate that both participants have the same impacts of music in the health and lifestyle of the adolescents in physical processes questions. It shows that both participant influence their emotion through the use of music and help them to relive their mood or when they’re sick....
1111 Words 2 Pages

Insomnia: Definition And Symptoms

What is insomnia? Sleep is one of the most important parts of our health. It affects every aspect of our lives. Tons of people around the world suffer from insomnia – a sleeping disorder in which people have trouble sleeping. It is also known as sleeplessness. It may last for either a short period of...
1223 Words 3 Pages

Elder Financial Exploitation

Elder financial exploitation is unfortunately an ongoing and common issue in the financial industry world today [1]. Elder financial exploitation is the act of an individual, or group of individuals, taking advantage of an elderly person and defrauding them of their assets. This is done by utilizing various known fraud trends including, but not limited...
714 Words 2 Pages

Mental Health: Disease Causes And Ways To Help

Nowadays, it has brought to many people’s attention that there are more and more news reports about young people committing suicide and self-harm due to bad mental health. These reports show that mental issues can threaten our lives, therefore maintaining good mental health, or having a state of mental wellbeing is very important. According to...
959 Words 2 Pages

Mental Health And Illnesses

Mental illnesses as one of the major aspects in the medical discipline has been a subject of study and research since the nineteenth century and not much has been known about it. There are several views about mental illnesses of which include that mental illnesses are caused by spirits hence are associated with diviners, fortune...
1677 Words 4 Pages

Sleep And Aging Problems In The Elderly

This health promotion paper describes the changes in sleep patterns when people age. The population of interest is the elderly people. This condition is preferred because while several different sleep changes in life time are common, including changes in time spent on different sleep stages and changes in circadian rhythm, sleep disturbances are also common...
2258 Words 5 Pages

Meditation And Its Benefits

A Powerful and effective technique that changed billions of lives around the world which is initially originated in Ancient India. Many people nowadays are suffering from different health issues due to their lifestyle and work stress. There are other groups of people who are suffering from a mental break down and mental health-related disorders. If...
720 Words 2 Pages

Critical Evaluation If The Role Of The Invalidating Environment In Borderline Personality Disorder

Personality disorders are a cluster of disorders characterised by pervasive and maladaptive thought patterns and behaviours that cause significant distress and impairment to an individual’s ability to function (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). Although the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) includes 10 types of personality disorder, this essay will focus on borderline...

Substance Use Psychological Theories

Substance use can be experimental or a one-off experience, for example, but the risk factors and vulnerabilities of some individuals developing a dependency, resulting in Substance Use Disorder (SUD), over another individual has varying influences and is multifaceted. The DSM-V criteria for substance use disorders cover several criteria, including: 1) taking the substance in large...
897 Words 2 Pages

Analysis Of Cognitive Dissonance Theories

Over the years, there have been many unique types of psychological theories that have been created by people that can be applied to the public services. In terms of the form of psychology that I have chosen to look at in this report, I have chosen to focus on social psychology. I could have selected...
1820 Words 4 Pages
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