Essays on Asia

Air Pollution in China: Analytical Essay

Introduction [image: ]In China, one of the leading concerns is the increase in air pollution and the effect it has on the environment and society as a whole (China Power Team, 2018). Environmentally, there is an abundant amount of carbon overloading in the atmosphere and ocean waters. Atmospheric CO2 Figure 1. Air pollution concentration recorded...
1890 Words 4 Pages

Littering Habits As A Problem In Malaysia

Littering is a common bad habit that has been increasing with actions such as throwing away or dropping the rubbish on the ground in public places instead of bins or wastepaper baskets. Littering has become a major problem that been highlighted over the years in Malaysia. From the statement studied by Jambeck J.R from 2015...
1460 Words 3 Pages

Christianity, Hinduism, And Islam In India

India has the richest, most vivid heritage out of all the countries in the world. India is the world’s largest, and continuous civilization. Surprisingly, India has had to come a long way to become such a succesful, and diverse country. In 1 CE, there were non-stop voyages from Egypt to India. The Mahayana movement arose...
1054 Words 2 Pages

System Of Health Care In North Korea

What is the definition of healthcare in North Korea; or even health care in general? Is Healthcare a Human right in North Korea? In a world comprised of different cultures, and people is a world full of different ideas. Each country and region have different ideas on how their own systems should work based on...

Tuberculosis In The Philippines

The Philippines is a third-world country and presently developing. The population of the country, according to the World Bank (2018) data reported 106.65 million, with a population increased annually by 1.4% in 2018. Therefore, the increase in human population set the pressure on the country’s sustainability concerning agricultural, food, water, health and social services. Nevertheless,...
1350 Words 3 Pages

General Characteristics Of Japan's Economy

Japan is known to be highly evolved, industrialized and advanced with their technology. They are currently the only country close to stage 5 of the demographic transition model. This means the death rate is much higher than the birth rate. This could affect economic activity as people will most likely have to take up other...
1423 Words 3 Pages

Changes In Present E-Blood Bank System In India For Better Future

Abstract: Human blood is a fundamental component of human existence with no substitute. Deliberate blood benefactors are the foundation of a protected and sufficient stockpile of blood and blood items. The most secure blood givers are deliberate, non-compensated blood givers from generally safe populaces. Blood benefactors in India, as over the globe, are of three...
1415 Words 3 Pages
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