Essays on Disease

Defining The Prostate Cancer And Its Treatment

Prostate is a small gland at the base of the bladder, which carriers urine from the bladder to the urethra [1]. Most prostate cancer starts in the outer gland cells of the prostate and are known as acinar adenocarcinomas, this type of cancer is less likely to spread, however cancer that is spread to nearby...
720 Words 2 Pages

People’s Awareness Of Dementia In

The topic I have chosen to do my research project on is peoples awareness of dementia. I have chosen dementia awareness as the number of people in the UK being diagnosed with dementia is on the rise, with an expectation of there being 1 million people diagnosed with dementia by 2025. Through my project I...
1560 Words 3 Pages

Management Of Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes in males and females As an individual’s weight increases, the likelihood of developing diabetes also increases. This is supported by a study showing that men are more likely to develop diabetes at a lower body mass index (BMI) when compared to women (National Health Service, 2011). In this study, 95,057 records of patients in...
2133 Words 5 Pages

Death Penalty In

In England, capital punishment was used as form of punishment from the last two or three centuries until 20th century, when the abolition of capital punishment occurred in 1969. Our criminal justice system continues falling this country and we have seen people who have committed horrendous crimes in our society such as murderers, rapists and...
1036 Words 2 Pages

The Rise In Childhood Obesity And Ways To Decrease Childhood Obesity

There are a multitude of reasons for a child being obese with the most significant ones being, leading a sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet and genetic factors. A sedentary lifestyle is the state of involving little exercise or physical activity into daily life (, 2017)13. It is recommended by the NHS that children between the ages...
2903 Words 6 Pages

Connection Between Air Pollution And Autism Spectrum Disorder

In order to investigate the link between air pollution and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), we must first understand what exactly air pollution and autism are. Air pollution is the term used to describe the mixture of particles and gases in our air that have poisonous or toxic effects on both animals and the environment, including...
1790 Words 4 Pages

The Issue Of Obesity In

In this essay, I will discuss obesity in adults and the effect it has on their health and lifestyles. The focus of this essay will be on United Kingdom (UK) population. Obesity is known as the fat that is present in the body which is extra and can be harmful in a way of causing...
2233 Words 5 Pages

Autism: A Case Study Focusing On An Aspect Of Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

The area of Additional Learning needs that I will discuss in this case study is Autism. Autism is a complex life-long, neurological developmental disability that affects how people perceive the world, and their ability to interact with others (National Autism Society; 2018). Autism is a spectrum disorder (Carter, 2013) characterised by a triad of core...
2238 Words 5 Pages

Pathophysiology Of Asthma

Asthma is a spasmodic contraction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the smaller bronchi and bronchioles and an enduring condition, which causes occasional breathing difficulties of a person and one of the major reasons behind poor health among the children and the adults that affect their quality of life (Crowley, 2013). According to...
2555 Words 6 Pages

Dental Management Of Patients Having Anemia

In the dental field, professionally speaking, we don’t treat all patients the same way especially when it comes to medically compromised ones or those who have any disorders. According to WHO, 1.62 billion people around the world have anemia which is diminished capacity of blood to carry oxygen due to decrease in hemoglobin and red...
1164 Words 3 Pages
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