Essays on Health

Bipolar Disorder: Kurt Cobain’s Case

Bipolar II disorder is a variation of bipolar spectrum disorder; a neurological disease that causes symptoms such as mood swings, anxiety, deep sadness, euphoria, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, or loss of interest or pleasure in activities. Bipolar disorder is one of the most distinct syndromes in psychiatry and has been described in numerous cultures over...
1282 Words 3 Pages

Trauma And Ways Of Its Recovery

One of the major ways that recovery from trauma is managed is talking about the traumatic event. A narrative of what happened when you were a child or during the war often ensues, then the therapist might proceed to help you develop ways to cope with the negative feelings in everyday life. This might work...
926 Words 2 Pages

Analysis Of Sexual Health Issues

Adolescents have always been a matter of public concern as they’ll become the pillar of society. Regardless of background, ability, and belief, they have healthy bodies and minds and develop mature interpersonal relationships. They strive to pursue their ideals and exert their strengths in their respective positions, but without the psychological and physical development, how...
713 Words 2 Pages

Alternative Medicine The New Path

Before today’s age, people in the past would go to a medicine man, shaman or a witch doctor, now with today’s advancement, they go to see doctors get pills. Back then the community relied on the Earth to heal their bodies and their mind. Alternative medicine is a type of medicine that was used to...
2174 Words 5 Pages

Tuberculosis: Bacteria That Cause It, Symptoms

We are surrounded by a lot of bacteria in the world that could potentially enter our bodies and create harm or good for the immune system. Although our bodies are balanced with good and bad bacteria, Tuberculosis is not a bacteria that you would want in your body. A person who has Tuberculosis can be...
1050 Words 2 Pages

The Cognitive Dissonance Mind That Dr. Jekyll Has

Decision making is a major part of life in which many have to do. The decisions that one makes will influence their life negatively or positively. Being aware about how conflicting beliefs and emotions impact the decision making process is a wonderful way to improve your ability to generate faster and more accurate choices that...
1130 Words 2 Pages

Gender Differences In Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a recurring disorder and is defined by abnormal in five areas in general, including hallucinations, delusions, disorganized things, disorganized or abnormal motor behavior, and negative symptoms (APA, 2013; McNally & McCarley, 2016). However, would there be any differences between males and females in terms of age-at-onset for the first episode and symptoms? Are...
2771 Words 6 Pages

Background On The Elderly, Sex, And Diseases

In the world of medicine, there are several strains of diseases and viruses, sexually transmitted diseases (STD) have now become known as the most common and preventable health care problems in the world. As our global population continues to age with it brings the increase in the number of older adults, along with healthcare advances...

Different Approaches To Deal With Anxiety

Josef Pieper was a German philosopher, who is known for his book Leisure The Basis of Culture. The main theme of his book is to find the true meaning of what leisure or free time is. Throughout the entirety of his book, Pieper provides the reader with examples of how you can find leisure in...
814 Words 2 Pages

Legalization For Medical Marijuana For NFL Players

The issue of marijuana use has attracted divergent discussions worldwide. There is a sharp division between individuals who believe that marijuana should be legalized due to its medicinal value, especially for pain relief. These are the people who posit that Marijuana benefits the body supersedes the harm it is perceived to cause. This is an...
1239 Words 3 Pages
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