Essays on Health

Retrospective Of Anxiety Study

The beginning of literature on anxiety began similar to that of depression based on learned helplessness. Rats were placed in mazes and subjected to experimental neurosis, a stimulus that induces an anxiety-like response (in this case unpredictable electric shocks), and their behavior was assessed. Those rats exposed to experimental neurosis had extreme levels of agitation...
733 Words 2 Pages

Organ Donors: Education, Morality And Different Aspects

Education On Organ Donations Has anyone ever wondered how many organ donations occur every year? (Matching Donors and Recipients, 2018) The American Transplant Foundation is a nonprofit program that educates people on emotional and financial support to living donor families and friends. According to the American Transplant Foundation 6,000 living donations occur every year and...
1760 Words 4 Pages

Reasons Why Caffeine Is Dangerous For Teens

How dangerous can a simple beverage containing caffeine be and why would anyone worry about it? There are tons of different foods and drinks that aren’t the healthiest and are mostly sugary and fattening. People have to control what kinds of things consume, along with the amounts. Caffeinated drinks especially are a danger when it...
957 Words 2 Pages

Bipolar Disorder: Definition And Treatment

Bipolar Disorder is when the brain goes through phases where someone may feel very energetic at one moment then all of a sudden feel very sad or depressed. People that have bipolar disorder have frequent mood changes which can not only harm themselves, because they can have suicidal thoughts and become depressed, but others. Not...
442 Words 1 Page

The Issue Of Malnutrition In Niger

Anderson went to Niger in late July 2005. Originally he was in Rwanda on vacation. He saw a new report about starvation in Niger and decided to take a trip there. In the book, Dispatches from the Edge, Cooper states that Nigerians diets are very poor and they have little access to medical care. Cooper...
505 Words 1 Page

Ethics Issues In Cloning: To Clone Or Not To Clone

Human cloning and the ethics behind it have been an issue that has come up over the years, especially with the advancement in science and technology. The people speaking for both sides of the issue have many reasons to clone or not to clone. I feel that given the right circumstances and under certain guidelines,...
988 Words 2 Pages

The Issue Of Drug Addiction in America

Drugs and illegal substances are the cancer killing the United States as we know it. It has become more common to have a drug related encounter during the happening of our daily life, from an intoxicated individual on the streets, to school lockdowns and shootings related to illegal substances. The production of these substances, their...
2487 Words 5 Pages

The Nature Of Anxiety

Anxiety is the body’s natural response to stress, you can experience it at a new job, a new school, or any new or uncomfortable setting. Though anxiety is a natural part of life and it comes and goes, some people experience it daily and with a stronger force that renders them “useless” or unable to...
548 Words 1 Page

Sleep Mechanisms Phases And Disorders

We as humans require sleep to function, and we actually spend one-third of our time performing the function of sleep. Sleep is way more complex than just hitting the pillow and closing your eyes. Sleep is important to a number of brain functions, including how nerve cells, or neurons communicate with each other. The brain...
1580 Words 3 Pages

Why Tobacco Causes Lung Cancer

When you hear the word tobacco many things will often come to mind. For me personally, I think about 2 things in general, the first being smoking and my aunt smoking. The reason this reminds of my aunt is because she had a stroke from smoking and it really affected everyone in my family on...
1488 Words 3 Pages
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