Essays on Mental Health

Anxiety: Revealing The Effects Of Birth Order

Abstract The purpose of this study was to see if there is a relationship between birth order and anxiety. I hypothesized that firstborns would have higher levels of anxiety on the DASS anxiety scale compared to later borns. Participants of the study were male and female undergraduate students in the PSYC 203 class at Queen’s...
1550 Words 3 Pages

Depression: Meaning, Reasons, Symptoms And Treatment

Many psychologists define the word ‘depression” in many ways. Depression is very common throughout the world and can start in those who are younger than 30 years old. Depression is an illness that can lower someone’s value of life. Depression is a serious medical problem, that causes many different symptoms in people. This illness varies...
1605 Words 4 Pages

Substance Abuse In Women

I was taking a test in my Exploring Careers to see what type of professions it would recommend based on my personal interests. As a result, my teacher noticed that I matched the medical field. Since she was having a field trip for her other class to a local hospital, my teacher invited me so...
4129 Words 9 Pages

Correlation Between ADHD And Anxiety

Is there a correlation between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which is also known as ADHD and Anxiety? Well, first let’s take a look at what ADHD and Anxiety are. ADHD is a chronic condition that affects millions of children, as young as seven years old, often continuing into their adulthood. There are three main types...
2145 Words 5 Pages

Anxiety: Definition, Symptoms And Therapy

is a feeling one gets of feeling worried and nervous, usually about an event or something to do with an outcome. There are four types of anxiety disorders of which people may go through. The first type of disorder is a generalized anxiety disorder, which is when one is continual nervous, tense, and uneasy. The...
884 Words 2 Pages

Author's Experience: Synesthesia

I always pictured myself performing in the world’s largest and most beautiful Church. The marvel construction of the perpendicular gothic architecture always brought me peace and solace. A single glaring ray of light shines down upon my face through the coloured pattern stained-glass window. Taking small steps towards the sacred altar, I suddenly lock eyes...
862 Words 2 Pages

Bipolar Disorder Group Therapy

Overview Group The group that will be looked at in this paper will be African American Men with Bipolar disorder (BD). This group will be closed and voluntary. A closed group is essential because members will not have to have new members come and interrupt the progress they have already made. Having a closed group...
2707 Words 6 Pages

The Impact Of Stress On Teachers

Kyriacou (2001) portrayed educators’ stress as any unsavory and adverse feelings, such as outrage, dissatisfaction, uneasiness, discouragement, and anxiety that educators experience as a result of some aspects of their work. Studies have demonstrated that instructors are exposed to different sources of stress. Ahmed (2009) established peer-to-peer relationships, unprofessional assignments, principal teacher relationships, work overload,...
559 Words 1 Page

Help For People Suffering From Anxiety & Depression

I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember. It’s not something I have control over, it’s not something I chose. My life could be going perfect and yet I could feel like nothing right. It’s more than just feeling sad or being down. It’s not being able to get out...
833 Words 2 Pages
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