Essays on Mental Health

Borderline Personality Disorder: A Case Study

Presenting Symptoms Robin Henderson was being treated by a clinical psychologist primarily regarding her suicidal and self-mutilating gestures, and intense, erratic behaviour in her familial and interpersonal relationships. These behaviours had been occurring over the course of at least three years. Treatment had been attempted, with Robin’s psychologist treating her with anti-depressant medication. Background Information...

Eating Disorders In Athletes

Athletes are not immune to mental illness. They suffer from a variety of psychiatric conditions. Ranging from depression and anxiety to eating disorders. Disordered eating in athletes is quite common, especially in female athletes. Many female athletes feel pressured into fitting into the stereotypical appearance of thin and toned. This pressure along with low self-esteem...
584 Words 1 Page

Drug Abuse Among Adolescents

KUALA LUMPUR: Police stormed a house-party at a condominium in the city and detained 14 youths, including seven who were underaged. A secondary school student among nine boys and five girls, were caught in the 2.40am operation said Dang Wangi police chief Assistant Commissioner Mohd Fahmi Visuvanathan Abdullah. It was told that the teens were...
1492 Words 3 Pages

Music Therapy For Autistic Children

In the State of Utah, 1 in 54 children have been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder, which is the largest rate of autism in the nation (Bilder). At this rate, 17,269 of the 932,526 children in the State of Utah have autism (U.S. Census Bureau). Not every child has the means necessary to receive medical...
2171 Words 5 Pages

Sleep Deprivation At School

Although some teens will stay up later, it is natural for them to do so.  According to UCLA Health, as teens go through puberty their circadian rhythm shifts a couple hours later meaning their bodies become programmed to fall asleep around 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. Having a late start will benefit many teens because it...
497 Words 1 Page

The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep, an activity that is dedicated for the body to relax after the day is done that is vital for good mental and physical health and overall well being(“Sleep Deprivation and”). Sleeping is supposed to be pure and utter bliss, but can be a pure and utter struggle. People all over the world are constantly...
985 Words 2 Pages

Case Study Of Cognitive Dissonance

Jane met the seemingly perfect co-worker Ray Brown and fell in love with him. Their relationship progressed fast that they decided to move in together. As a result, Jane stopped renting her original living place. The relationship kept sailing despite Ray not breaking up with his 3-year girlfriend Dee. When Ray finally broke up with...

Eating Disorders, And Muscle Dysmorphia In Male Athletes

Eating disorders are a serious mental health issue and are a growing problem in today’s sporting environment, the prevalence of eating disorders vary from 0-19% in male athletes and 6-45% in female athletes Solforfrid Bratland-Sanda et al (2013) behaviours such as starvation, binge eating, purging and obsessive exercise are displayed and can severely affect home,...
995 Words 2 Pages

Impact Of Social Medias On Mental Health

Social media is now a part of everyone’s daily life, our society has evolved around the fact we are all exposed to it daily. It shows up in our work place, schools, and outings, even into the family home. This has lead to questions being raised over whether this is affecting the mental wellbeing of...
1862 Words 4 Pages

Introduction To Mental Health

In this essay, I will be describing how I have been developing my understanding of Mental Health Nursing over the course of the module Introduction to Mental Health, by discussing the different topics I have been researching and learning throughout this module to achieve my level of understanding. The key points I will be discussing...
1355 Words 3 Pages
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