Essays on Philosophers

John Locke: Life And Philosophy

This paper examines the works, life and writings of most influential philosopher named John Locke. John Locke was an English philosopher and his works relates to the concepts of epistemology and ontology, politics, morality and religion. This research essay examines the huge knowledge about John Locke’s life and work which he did throughout his life...
2189 Words 5 Pages

The Notions Of Truth And Power In Foucault's Views On Society

So far in class, we have focused primarily on the work of Michel Foucault, a 20th century French philosopher. We have read excerpts from Discipline and Punish, Society Must be Defended, and Abnormal, all of which were written by Foucault. Over the course of reading the excerpts, I noticed that two themes have repeatedly appeared:...
1534 Words 3 Pages

The Ideas Of Collective And Individual Rights In John Locke's Philosophy

John Locke is often referred to as the ‘father of liberalism’ by social science scholars for influencing western democracies. His theories of government and statehood are grounded in his endorsement of individual rights. While Locke is a social contract theorist, he promotes the rights of the individual over the rights of the collective. After parameterizing...
2238 Words 5 Pages

Plato's And John Ayer's Theories Of Truth: A Comparative Analysis

Plato is an ancient Greek philosopher who is commonly known for the reasoning that he employs in giving out his arguments. Among the famous works of Plato comprises of “Allegory of the Cave” it is in this theory that he presents truth as something deeper than an experience created by our senses(Cohen, 2000) . Plato’s...
600 Words 1 Page

Machiavelli’s Views On Human Nature

One of Nicolo Machiavelli’s most famous books The Prince unfolds the designs of powerful state which he believed was necessary for stability and freedom. He discusses that people are generally self-interested but their affections for other people can be won or lost. They can be trust-worthy sometimes but they can also be selfish and deceitful....

Western Philosophers And Their Methods

Socrates and Plato Greek philosophy covers an absolutely enormous amount of topics including political philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, ontology, logic, biology, rhetoric, and aesthetics. Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher, was born in Athens in 470 BC, is often credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy and as being the first moral philosopher of...
2129 Words 5 Pages

Camus, Nietzsche And The Present

In this essay, I will talk about the relationship between Nietzsche’s philosophy, namely nihilism and the analysis of Albert Camus’ novel, abroad. Then I will make a brief analysis of the current situation with what has been said in the previous paragraph. To begin with, I will give a brief account of Albert Camus’ life...

Progressivism In Education: The Evolving Face Of Education In 21st Century

Abstract The development of technology and increased competition has led to several challenges faced by children of all age groups. As such, education plays a very crucial role in the life of an individual. The progressive growth and development of any nation depends upon the education system structured to reshape the young minds. Modern times...
2532 Words 6 Pages

The Main Ideas Of Russell’s Theory

Russell is right in surmising that we can know about other people’s mental state by analogy with our own experience. He does not prove this beyond the shadow of doubt. Instead he postulates. To postulate means to assume the existence of something as a basis for reasoning. Russell is reasonable in making this argument. Unlike...
1127 Words 2 Pages
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