Essays on Health

Reflections About Pro-choice Abortion

The controversial discussion regarding women’s ability to choose to terminate their pregnancy has been the forefront of many political movements in the recent years. Abortion stirs the pot for a lot of people for positive and negative reasons. In most cases, abortion uses medicine or surgery to end an unwanted pregnancy within four to six...
1314 Words 3 Pages

The Role Of Family In Drug Addiction

Abstract The prevalence of addictive behaviors is higher in some families as compared to others. Poor parental skills, family structure, relationship issues, and socioeconomic issues are critical factors in drug addiction. Understanding the role of these factors is essential in dealing with addictive behaviors. Introduction Family plays a vital role in human socialization. Through family,...
2006 Words 4 Pages

Author's Experience With Opioids

With the opioid epidemic in America reaching new heights, people in the areas most affected are arming themselves with Narcan. Narcan is an opiate antagonist nasal spray that turns junkies back into a sober samuels. Although Narcan has provided some relief, the epidemic continues to worsen and is now claiming unexpected casualties: People with inner...
676 Words 1 Page

Smallpox: Intro, Genome, Structure, And Lifecycle

Smallpox has affected humans for centuries causing scars, blindness, and even death. Although it is not exactly known when the first case of smallpox appeared, it is believed that smallpox has been around since the Egyptian empire. This conclusion was made upon investigating three mummies that had markings on their body similar to the scars...
2179 Words 5 Pages

Benefits Of Mental Disorder

The topic I am researching is benefits of mental disorders in sports, because some sports may require you to have a high IQ and some of the mental disorders may hinder that. Many athletes have a lot of social and mental stress during the season and it can take a toll on their body. Due...
1704 Words 4 Pages

Analysis Of Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Respiratory Distress syndrome has been one of the most challenging diseases that clinicians have had troubled managing in pediatrics patients. One of the challenges that clinicians have encountered with is proving the proper treatment strategies since pediatrics have several differences than an adult does within. In order to have a better understanding we must first...
1246 Words 3 Pages

Nutritional Psychiatry: Case Study

Some time ago I was very driven and interested in health and wellness, I read many books regarding healthy diets and food combinations, I took a lot of time and effort preparing meals and making sure to incorporate fruits and vegetables in my diet, and I was active, I made sure to work out every...
846 Words 2 Pages

Heart Attacks: Risks

Heart attacks have become more frequent and common it does not matter your race or even age. Dizziness, fatigue, pressure on your chest and arms, nausea, and shortness of breath are all red flags for a heart attack. In America, every 40 seconds one person will suffer a heart attack but, trends are decreasing. Nevertheless,...
558 Words 1 Page

Drug Abuse Among Adolescents

KUALA LUMPUR: Police stormed a house-party at a condominium in the city and detained 14 youths, including seven who were underaged. A secondary school student among nine boys and five girls, were caught in the 2.40am operation said Dang Wangi police chief Assistant Commissioner Mohd Fahmi Visuvanathan Abdullah. It was told that the teens were...
1492 Words 3 Pages

Music Therapy For Autistic Children

In the State of Utah, 1 in 54 children have been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder, which is the largest rate of autism in the nation (Bilder). At this rate, 17,269 of the 932,526 children in the State of Utah have autism (U.S. Census Bureau). Not every child has the means necessary to receive medical...
2171 Words 5 Pages
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