Essays on Mental Health

Different Approaches To Deal With Anxiety

Josef Pieper was a German philosopher, who is known for his book Leisure The Basis of Culture. The main theme of his book is to find the true meaning of what leisure or free time is. Throughout the entirety of his book, Pieper provides the reader with examples of how you can find leisure in...
814 Words 2 Pages

Retrospective Of Anxiety Study

The beginning of literature on anxiety began similar to that of depression based on learned helplessness. Rats were placed in mazes and subjected to experimental neurosis, a stimulus that induces an anxiety-like response (in this case unpredictable electric shocks), and their behavior was assessed. Those rats exposed to experimental neurosis had extreme levels of agitation...
733 Words 2 Pages

Bipolar Disorder: Definition And Treatment

Bipolar Disorder is when the brain goes through phases where someone may feel very energetic at one moment then all of a sudden feel very sad or depressed. People that have bipolar disorder have frequent mood changes which can not only harm themselves, because they can have suicidal thoughts and become depressed, but others. Not...
442 Words 1 Page

The Nature Of Anxiety

Anxiety is the body’s natural response to stress, you can experience it at a new job, a new school, or any new or uncomfortable setting. Though anxiety is a natural part of life and it comes and goes, some people experience it daily and with a stronger force that renders them “useless” or unable to...
548 Words 1 Page

Sleep Mechanisms Phases And Disorders

We as humans require sleep to function, and we actually spend one-third of our time performing the function of sleep. Sleep is way more complex than just hitting the pillow and closing your eyes. Sleep is important to a number of brain functions, including how nerve cells, or neurons communicate with each other. The brain...
1580 Words 3 Pages

The Impact Of Mass Media On Eating Disorders In Young Girls

Our society nowadays is heavily prompted through the media, and the images it shows. Even though it may be indirect, the media provides unhealthy messages about body sizes, gender attractiveness and weight control that make young women view themselves negatively. Magazines, television, movies, and advertisements influence young women on what they believe their body image...
713 Words 2 Pages

The Impact Of Stress On Our Life

Stress is one of the biggest problems that society has. It can affect people of all ages like kids, students, adults, etc. Not everyone is able to handle all the pressure and stress that people can feel. This is why the majority of the illnesses are due to stress. Living under it can be so...
1113 Words 2 Pages

Eating Disorders In Males

Based on the review of research the test can be continued to use, nonetheless there should be revisions made, and probably distinct items addressed to males. In other words, this assessment is in good shape to keep only because there is no better assessment available. Nonetheless, after following the review, it has been noticed that...
739 Words 2 Pages

Sleep Deprivation In America

We’ve all heard “sleep is important” at some point. This piece of advice is probably one of the least listened to tips. With the ever-increasing pace of life, especially here in Tahoe, sufficient rest and sleep is less and less “needed.” When in fact, sleep is a major necessity that should be taken seriously. Everyone...
811 Words 2 Pages

Drug Abuse Among Athletes

The drug abuse among athletes occurs in all sports, but not every athlete consumes the drugs whether its a female athlete or male. The athlete may know his or her reasons to why consuming those drugs, at times it can become an addiction. The abuse athletes cause themselves have lots of effects due to it...
1053 Words 2 Pages
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