Essays on Learning

AES Coursework Essay

Title: Cw3 ( AES coursework essay ) Discuss the strength and the weakness of electric cars in helping to limit enhanced the greenhouse effect. An electric car is the one powered by an electric motor rather than traditional vehicles such as petrol or Diesel engine. Today, the use of electric car has become very common...
1311 Words 3 Pages

Women's Education

Women’s Education Today, women are more in education than ever before. Despite the progress women have made when it comes to education, the are still many barriers that they face in this society. For example, many women face barriers on characteristic they cannot control such as their ethnicity, age, and religion. Despite all these barriers,...
1204 Words 3 Pages

Study Skills: My Learning Journey

Study Skills: My Learning Journey  This assignment will discuss my learning journey as a mature student, as I return to higher education with an aim of registering as a nurse. I started my journey with the University Certificate course as my stepping-stone and my first module being Study Skills, which I am going to be...
2354 Words 5 Pages

Online Versus Face-to-face Learning

This topic is one of the most debatable ones amongst many students, whether they select the online or face-to-face learning, these both options stand in rivalry next to one another since a majority of the people choose the latter option as per their comfort of understanding. In a detailed context, numerous people have always been...

How Can 11-year Secondary Education Impact On Young Generation’s Future Educational And Personal Prospects

How Can 11-Year Secondary Education Impact On Young Generation’s Future Educational And Personal Prospects? Every parent wants the child to be well-educated and enter to university. However, main influence is taken by education system in the country and parents are capable to control children’s neither education nor personal prospects. Hence, a question appears how 11-year...
416 Words 1 Page

The Education System In Uzbekistan

The education system in Uzbekistan has been changing throughout the years whether it is minor or relatively big alterations. In a recent year, population witnessed dramatic change which was actually transition in secondary schools from 9 to 11-year education system. So, here is the question why did the government decide to modify education at school?...
439 Words 1 Page

Act Of Obtaining Knowledge Through Different Resources

Literacy is an act of obtaining knowledge through different sources, contexts, practices, and experiences and applying them in a day to day life to accomplish tasks. Verbal communications, reading, and writing are considered to be the basic approaches of acquiring literacy, although more emphasis has been given on writing due to the fact that it...
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Subject That Encourages Innovation In Written Form

Literature is a single subject that does not abide by any laws, rules, or restrictions. Instead, it encourages innovation in written form, valuing the unconventional disciplines of approaching life through storytelling, a medium that serves to expand on the human experience. Philosopher J.P Satre emphasizes this in his essay defining literature, with the assertion that...
627 Words 1 Page

Huge Influence Of Organizational Behaviour

In recent days, organizational behavior has had a huge influence on individuals, groups, and organizations; furthermore, the success of an organization is generally dependent on the effective management of its employees. According to Fred Luthans, organizational behavior is directly concerned with the understanding, prediction, and control of human behavior in organizations. The study of organizational...
2432 Words 5 Pages

Essential Tools To Success In Academic Competence

Study skills are essential to succeed in academic competence. Positive outcomes across different academic subjects and success in later life are linked to effective study skills. (Gettinger, Maribeth, Seibert, Jill K., School Psychology Review, 2002, Vol.31 Issue 3, p.350) Study skills progress and are developed through practice, reflection, experiments, and errors, as well as feedback...
921 Words 2 Pages
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