Essays on Learning

The Benefits Of Study Abroad

Studying abroad has been a trend of studying abroad in the international community. In the 21st century, the global demand for higher education has increased, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of students pursuing international higher education, and countries have fiercely competed to gain more talent around the world. The main reason why...
1347 Words 3 Pages

Reasons Why People Attend College

College is a prospect that many people begin thinking about from a young age. Although not to all, the privilege to attend one has been afforded to nearly 20 million students, who are enrolled in a college or university for the fall 2019 semester (National Center for Education Statistics). These students include men and women...
992 Words 2 Pages

Case Study: Visuals In Advertising

Advertising is a complex social phenomenon, ‘envelops our existence without feeling the presence often’ (apud Chelcea, 2012, p.15). If we keep track of its evolution over time, we notice that it has been blamed or tribute in all its forms of expression, but as Levitt manages to formulate, ‘it provides exactly what a painter with...
2717 Words 6 Pages

The Influence Of College On Your Life

There are many students all over the world who are preparing to make the largest decision of their life. As students prepare for the workforce, they often consider college in order to obtain a better job with better wages. However, many students also have to debate whether taking the large, financial leap is worth it....
933 Words 2 Pages

My Experience Of Studying In UAE

This semester was my second semester at United Arab Emirates University. I have registered for different courses, one of these courses Is Information Literacy with Dr.Basheir AL-Rei .It was a very interesting experience, Dr.Basheir helped us a lot to learn this course and I learned many skills easily. I learned a lot of skills that...
766 Words 2 Pages

Case Study: Consciousness-Based Medicine

John was diagnosed at the age of 45 with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). On December 2, 2016, John was rushed to the hospital with a high fever, nausea, and delirium. Emergency testing revealed a dangerously high blood glucose level and sepsis from a wound on John’s toe. While in the hospital, John thought about the...
3017 Words 7 Pages

Issues Of Students With Disabilities In Australia

Students with disabilities reflected 7.3% for all Australian university domestic undergraduates in 2018, an increase from 6.8% the previous year (Higher Education Statistics, 2020). Despite this increase, many students with disabilities pursue higher education, without the self-advocacy skills they need to withstand at university (Eckes & Ochoa, 2005) as many multifaceted factors are facing disabled...
1350 Words 3 Pages

Brand Analysis Of Raymond

This is a critical review of Raymond, which requires a change in regards to the current marketing condition. I will propose the brand equity strategies needed to implement such changes. I will also discuss the correlation between brand equity strategy and increasing brand knowledge or resonance and provide suggestions on how brand strategy enhances their...
1032 Words 2 Pages

Comparison Of Honey And Mumford Learning Styles

Upon completion of the Honey and Mumford learning style questionnaire, my highest score was on the reflector style while the least was on activist style. As a reflector, I have a careful mindset and would learn best from paired discussions, self-analysis questionnaires, receiving feedback from others and from coaching (Honey and Mumford, 2006). This questionnaire...
497 Words 1 Page

Professional Philosophy In Teaching

My teaching philosophy has been greatly influenced by the early childhood teacher who positively enriched my children’s lives. This further influenced my career choices and my view on young children and teaching. A career in early childhood education is a rewarding career as it equips, shapes and empowers the up and coming generations. Early childhood...
1471 Words 3 Pages
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