Essays on Learning

Approaches To Early Child Education In Europe

Currently, in Europe, there are two approaches to ensuring universal access to (Early Childhood Education & Care) ECEC. Some countries provide a legal entitlement to an ECEC place, while others make ECEC attendance compulsory. Each approach requires public authorities to commit to guaranteeing a place in ECEC. However, there are some fundamental differences. A legal...
747 Words 2 Pages

Study of Euthanasia in Canada: Critical Research

Issue of Importance The topic of euthanasia has been controversial in every way imaginable. It has been at the centre of discussions for religious, medical, ethical, cultural, and political reasons. The typical argument that is passed around is the opinion individuals have on the merit of human life. Questions that are asked are, “Is it...

The Extinction of the Giant Deer: Case Study

The Irish elk, Megaloceros giganteus, is undoubtedly one of the most legendary creatures of prehistory. Its name is particularly misleading, considering it is neither exclusively Irish nor an elk, but rather an extinct deer species that ranged from Ireland to Siberia primarily in the Pleistocene epoch. M. giganteus is a frequent subject of scientific study;...
2785 Words 6 Pages

Research Paper: Why Leaves Cease Photosynthesis in the Autumn

Introduction Leaf senescence is considered the final stage of leaf development (Gan & Amasino, 1997). For deciduous trees, leaf senescence is more straightforward to observe as the leaf color changes to yellow before it falls in autumn. One vital sign of green leaves is that they use chlorophyll, a chemical component that helps plants to...
2181 Words 5 Pages

College Admissions Scandal: Crisis Response Analysis

The Crisis and its Background The college admissions bribery scandal surfaced in 2019 over an unethical endeavor to influence decisions for the admission of undergraduate students at many prestigious universities in the United States. The investigation and charges related to the incident were made public on March 12, 2019, by United States federal prosecutors. At...
1426 Words 3 Pages

Legal And Ethical Issues In College Admission

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of legal is “…conforming to or permitted by law or established rules.” The definition of ethical is “…conforming to acceptable standards of conduct” (Ethical. (n.d.). “Ethical standards are based on the human principles of right and wrong. The differences between them are these: Legal standards are based on...
1118 Words 2 Pages

Homework: Historic Background And Modern Debates

Homework is not a big issue for parents today, but kids today struggle with homework. Homework is schoolwork required to be done at home. The first written record on homework dates back to 1905. A teacher by the name of Roberto Nevilis lived in the city of Venice, and he is credited as the person...
2433 Words 5 Pages

The Study Habits Of Successful Learners: Critical Analysis Of Articles

Throughout the duration of this essay it is going to discuss the study habits of successful learners as well as critically analysing 3 articles that support this statement. All the pieces of chosen text focus on similar ideas that contribute to the study habits of successful learners. The first piece of information is an article...
1705 Words 4 Pages
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